Saturday, December 18, 2010

White Christmas... Noël Blanc...

Most of Europe has been snowed in for days, and that includes large sections of France. We have been lucky and have not seen a single snowflake since we arrived... until today that is! The snow has arrived, Mesdames et Messieurs, and lots of it. Big snowflakes. B.I.G. Not to worry though, the Paris public transportation system is up to the challenge. The French government is on high alert. President Sarkozy and his men got criticized sharply last week during the first heavy snow falls, when most of the country and all of Paris were paralyzed for hours. Only the French would blame their government for bad weather! In fact, I am surprised the country did not go on strike, "just because"... So, this time, government agencies are r.e.a.d.y. Tons of sand and salt have been waiting in major neighborhoods, ready to work on the roads. This morning, I noticed salt on the Metro steps before it actually snowed! 
As for us, we bundled up, hopped on the subway, and voilà: 20 minutes later, we emerged in the elegant Trocadero neighborhood where we enjoyed a lovely lunch in a Parisian brasserie. By the time we left the restaurant, the snow had started to fall heavily and the wind had picked up. We walked across the Iéna bridge towards the Left Bank, and passed the ubiquitous African souvenir vendors, groups of tourists who looked like they could be turned into popsicles any minute... We kept walking, past the Eiffel Tower, (always a sight), down a few steps, and finally met the rest of the family by the Seine River, where we were scheduled to catch a 4:00pm boat ride on the famous Bateaux Parisiens. It may seem like a strange choice, in that quasi-arctic weather, yet we knew the boats would be heated, Alec and his cousins -finally reunited- could run around, and most of all, the 1-hour Seine river tour, is one my favorite things to do in Paris. We all had a great time and Le Husband even managed to snatch a few great shots of Paris in the snow. I would not be surprised if the city was blanketed in the white stuff when we wake up but I won't worry for now... We are back at our cosy Parmentier apartment, and while we sleep, President Sarkozy and his men will be watching over the city of Paris... 

Junior and Mom

Who says Parisian waiters are not friendly?

Alec and Mutti, his grandma, "goofing up"...

Les quais -the Seine river banks- in the winter light... Gorgeous!

"La Vieille Dame" -the Old Lady- breathtaking, even in the snow!

1 comment:

  1. Quelle belle photos! J'espère que vous êtes séjour chaleureux et amusant!


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