Monday, November 7, 2011

Mon quartier. My neighborhood.


[Note to my readers: If you have a slow internet connection, you will NOT enjoy reading this post!]

I will be celebrating this blog's first birthday in just a few weeks.

What a fun and creative adventure this has been! My favorite thing about blogging? Making new friends. I belong to an ever-growing community: Each week, we visit each other's blogs. We stop by and say "hello." We participate in [occasionally heated] discussions. We recommend photos, books, blogs, and places to visit. I have found the blogging community to be exceptionally inclusive and supportive. I did not even know one could make friends out there in cyberspace, and am certainly looking forward to meeting some of these new friends in person during upcoming trips in the United States and in Europe. One of the most rewarding things about blogging is to hear from readers. I realize everyone is busy these days. To think that someone would take a few minutes to read my new story, then to comment about it makes me feel all tingly inside. Statistics tell you how many people read your blog everyday, but visitors' messages are the only way to find out how people really feel about your writing. Over the last few months, I have been blessed with a steady stream of comments.

Today, I would like to dedicate this post to "g. -- from Philadelphia." 

Ever since she started visiting my blog, "g" [Georgeanne] has left encouraging messages after each of my stories-- without fail. I look forward to her comments every week, and she is often the first person I hear from. Last Monday, when my new stories came up, "g." asked me if I would be writing another story in French soon. She studies the French language, you see, the brave soul. "g," my friend, this week's "bilingual story" is for you. Hope you enjoy. To all my other readers, don't panic. You can read this story in English too ;-) And so we start...

Mon quartier. My neighborhood.

L'entrée de mon quartier.
My neighborhood's entrance.

Ma famille habite depuis 11 ans à Woodinville, une petite ville dans la banlieue de Seattle. J'en ai parlé sur ce blog au printemps dernier, ici et . Même si Seattle n'est pas très loin, la vie à Woodinville est rurale. Nous sommes entourés d'arbres et de champs où paîssent des chevaux, et parfois des moutons.

My family has lived in Woodinville, a small town in Seattle's suburbs, for the last 11 years. I wrote about the area last spring. You can read my stories here and there. Even if Seattle is not far, life in Woodinville is rural. We are surrounded by trees and fields where horses - sometimes sheep - graze all day long. 

Cet érable dans notre jardin, a plus de 100 ans.
This maple in our backyard, is over 100 years old
Hiver 2008: L'érable est aussi majestueux dans la neige
Winter 2008: The maple is equally majestic in the snow

Notre quartier est un lotissement d'environ 90 maisons. Les terrains sont gigantesques, au moins un demi-hectare par jardin. Certaines maisons jouissent de vues imprenables sur la région. J'aperçois la silhouette de Seattle, au loin, tandis que je travaille à mon bureau. Au printemps et en été, la journée est fréquemment interrompue par le bruit des tondeuses à gazon (le plus souvent des tracteurs.) 

Our neighborhood is a development of about 90 homes. Yards are gigantic, at least one acre per house. Some homes enjoy expansive territorial views. I can see the Seattle skyline in the distance while I work in my office. In the spring and summer, the day is frequently interrupted by the sound of lawn mowers (mostly riding mowers.) 

Un coup d'oeil sur notre maison
A peek-a-boo view of our home

Dans mon quartier, il y a des animaux qui vivent heureux au grand air.

In my neighborhood, there are happy pets leading outdoorsy lives. 

Hailey, "le chien jaune"
Hailey, "the Yellow Dog"

Felix, le maître du domaine
Felix, the domain's master
Au fil des années, des amis sont venus, puis repartis (Shadow, 1993-2007)
Over the years, friends have come and gone (Shadow, 1993-2007)

La vie dans mon quartier est très différente de mon ancienne vie en France. J'ai toujours habité dans des villes et certains jours, les commerces de proximité, les transports en commun, l'animation de la ville, me manquent encore. Nous avons souvent pensé à déménager pour nous rapprocher de Seattle, mais nous ne l'avons pas fait. Pourquoi pas? Nos amis. Nos copains. Nos potes. Un groupe incroyable; un mélange éclectique de personnalités. Ils adorent leurs familles, et sont généreux et accueillants. Encore mieux: Ce sont des bons vivants qui ne reculent devant rien pour passer un bon moment. Dans un monde trop sèrieux et souvent déprimant, quand toute votre famille habite à des milliers de kilomètres, avoir des amis pareils fait toute la différence. 

Life in my neighborhood is very different from my old life in France. I have always lived in cities, and some days, I still miss specialty shops, public transportation and the hustle and bustle of city life. We have often considered moving to get closer to Seattle, but we have not done it. Why not? Our friends. Our pals. Our buddies. An incredible group, an eclectic mélange of personalities. They are generous; love their families; and they welcome  you with open arms. Better yet: Our buddies are authentic bons vivants who stop at nothing to enjoy a good time. In this serious and often depressing world, when your whole family lives thousands of miles away, having friends like these guys makes all the difference.

Sortie du film "Harry Potter #6" (2010)
Harry Potter #6 film release (2010)

"Fête du Crabe 2008"
"CrabFest 2008"

Fête d'anniversaire "Harry Potter" pour Junior, 2006
Junior's Harry Potter birthday party, 2006
De jeunes sorciers et leurs baguettes magiques
Young wizards and their wands
Sortie du film "Twilight - Chapitre 2" - Les Vampires!
Vampires are out for the Eclipse movie release (2009)

[De gentils] vampires descendent sur le quartier
[Friendly] vampires come down on the 'hood

En plein effort à un concert en plein air (Château Ste Michelle, 2011)
Working hard at an outdoor concert (Château Ste Michelle, 2011)
Soirée Pirate
Pirate Party
Soirée Meurtre et Mystère (Halloween 2011)
Murder Mystery Party (Halloween 2011)

Nos soirées ne sont pas toutes aussi élaborées: Il y a des barbecues impromptus, des réunions autour d'un feu de bois, des bons "gueuletons" entre copains. On s'amuse bien, dans mon quartier, qu'il pleuve, qu'il vente, ou qu'il neige.

Celebrations are not all quite that elaborate: There are last minute barbecues, gatherings around a fire pit, good meals shared among friends. We have fun, in my neighborhood, rain or shine.

Fête de la St. Patrick sous la pluie, Seattle (2011)
A wet St Patrick's Day, Seattle (2011)

Dans mon quartier, Junior et ses amis jouent et grandissent ensemble. Ils ne fréquentent pas les mêmes écoles, mais ils se retrouvent toujours avec plaisir. Il y a les sportifs, les amateurs de Legos, les fans de jeux vidéo, et les fous du vélo. Une activité les rassemble tous quand l'hiver est particulièrement rude: faire de la luge dans le quartier. La grande pente dans notre jardin est très appréciée! 

In my neighborhood, Junior and his friends play and grow up together. They do not attend the same schools, but they are always happy to see each other. There are athletic ones, Lego maniacs, video games fans, and cycling fanatics. One thing they have in common during rigorous winters: sledding in the neighborhood. The big slope in our backyard is very popular!

Les parents participent souvent à la Fête...

Parents often join the party...

Junior n'a pas de frère et soeur. Ses cousins habitent tous en France. Je me dis souvent qu'il a bien de la chance d'avoir ses amis autour de lui. Tandis que je parcourais nos photos de famille pour préparer ce billet, j'ai vu avec plaisir Junior et ses copains grandir et changer sous mes yeux. Ce sont des choses qu'on ne remarque pas toujours, au quotidien. Ils sont encore très jeunes, et qui sait ce que l'avenir leur réserve? Seront-ils toujours amis dans 5 ans, dans 10 ans? Disparaitront-ils ou se sépareront-ils pendant quelque temps, pour mieux se retrouver ensuite?

Junior does not have any siblings. His cousins all live in France. I often tell myself he is lucky to have his friends around him. As I was browsing through our family photos while working on this post, I was happy to see Junior and his buddies grow up before my eyes. These are things that can be hard to notice in daily life. They are still very young, and who knows what is in store for them? Will they still be friends in 5 years, in 10 years? Will they drift away or spend time apart, before reuniting down the road? 

Soirée Pyjama. Anniversaire de Junior, 2009
Sleepover. Junior's birthday, 2009

Le "pacte" a été enterré dans le jardin
The Time Capsule was buried in the yard

Alec et Erick: Je parie que ces deux-là resteront amis pendant longtemps. 

Alec and Erick: I am betting these two will remain friends for a long time.

Halloween 2005




Merci les amis. 

Thank you, friends. Thank you "Awesome Gang"... You know who you are.

Ne marche pas derrière moi; je ne te guiderai peut-être pas. 
Ne marche pas devant moi; je ne te suivrai peut-être pas. 
Marche juste à côté de moi et sois mon ami.
Albert Camus, écrivain français (1913-1960)

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. 
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. 
Just walk beside me and be my friend. 
Albert Camus, French writer (1913-1960)



A bientôt.


  1. Dearest Veronique--- frist, humbed and honored, i sit here at my computer simply speechless- not a word of this is an exageration either-i can barely type through the tears --i am so touched there are no words english, french or otherwise to tell you how i feel-this gift of seeing snipets of your life- your family- your friends and your neighbors is like seeing a precious work of art for the first time and truly being overcome. i cannot imagine a monday without YOU and the rest of the week with the additional comments-i feel priveleged to be a part of it and each week i look at the growing list of followers and i cheer outloud....because true talent-true artistry and TRUE PASSION for one's work (or play) can not be kept hidden-my dearest v it is i who thank you for ALL you give to us your readers, your followers, your cyber friends-whatever the label-it is i who thank you!!your faithful reader who gathers inspiration from you and your followers and most importantly your friend georgeanne (from philadelphia) THANK YOU THANK YOU with all my heart THANK YOU!!!!

  2. --g-- Je vous en prie. You are welcome. First comment of the week, once again. ;-) One has to give credit where credit is due! Have a wonderful week mon amie. Veronique

  3. Beaucoup de choses que j'aime dans ton billet!En vrac: ta maison et ton quartier, magnifiques! tes gouts (Harry Potter, Twilight..Ü) tes amis qui semblent merveilleux! Ton garçon tout mignon(profite, ils partent vite..)on sent une vie heureuse, qui passe, et bien!J'aime aussi ce que tu dis sur les blogs, si vrai! ces etranges amitiés, ces points communs qu'on se trouve sans se rencontrer vraiment...C'est special, et si enrichissant!
    Pour finir, je pense a toi en ce moment, je lis les livres d'Alexis Aubenque, qui se passent à Seattle, et à River Falls, petite ville a coté. Pas sure que cette dernière existe..Voilà encore un tres joli post, un de ceux qui rendent ton blog si attachant!
    A bientôt, bises de Nice!

  4. C'est très intéressant, Véronique, ce que tu nous montres. C'est comme une conversation où tu nous racontes ta vie. Maintenant, nous l'imaginons mieux. Elle doit être très agréable.
    Bon début de semaine!

  5. Vero - Je ne peux pas former les mots que je veux à travers les larmes, mais c'était incroyable. Nous sommes également reconnaissants de vous avoir dans nos vies, et nous ne pouvons pas attendre pour continuer à regarder nos vies se déroulent ensemble!

    Post-scriptum Certains de ces mots français ont été vraiment dur, et j'ai été reconnaissant pour la traduction en anglais ...

  6. Felicitations, Vero! Tu as la chance d'avoir les voisins si sympas qui sont les meilleurs copains aussi. Tu es une Bonne vivante et une ecrivaine tres amusante. Merci bien de tous les lecons. Mon sejourn en France est plus enrichissent grace a l'abilite de communiquer. Je prend'inspiration de ton blog aussi et espere d'ecrire en franchise meme soit.

  7. Awesome blog post Vero! I love seeing all these pictures. It looks like all we do is dress up! ;) We always have such a great time. I also love seeing the pictures of the boys and how they have changed over the years. Great stuff, Vero! Thank you for this blast from the past. I am so thankful to have found such a dear friend in you. BIG hugs to you!


  8. Dearest Véronique,

    You can put quite some posts together and thus you're almost up to your 1st anniversary on Blogger. Your neigborhood is a lovely one and it also creates a happy environment for pets along their happy owners. Very important.
    Love to you,


  9. What a beautiful blog entry! I am honored to be one of your neighbors. I have to say that this one made me both laugh and cry! I especially enjoyed all of those sweet pictures of our little ones growing up!


  10. I have tears in my eyes as I write this comment. Thank you so much for such a lovely, private, and poignant peek into your life. You are very blessed and I am very happy to share a little of my life with you. Reading your blog is joy, continuez s'il vous plait!

  11. I loved reading this post and seeing another glimpse into your life! Over the years I have found that good friends are the most important thing.
    Loved reading this!!!

  12. I really enjoyed your post. Your 'quartier' is truly
    beautiful- stunning photos! It was also a great opportunity for me to brush up on my French!
    Merci beaucoup, Véronique!

  13. Even our cats are grinning, with the pure pleasure at seeing everything you're doing and all the fun day in and day out... Indeed, indeed, there are a lot of good people out there in the blogosphere, no doubt about it...

    Blog on !

  14. What a delightful post! I always think it is so fun to get a glimpse of my blog friends in their homes and meet their families. You live in a beautiful place and seem surrounded my caring friends. Thank you for sharing with us.

    And that black cat.......could be my Meeps! Identical!!

  15. I wish I could surprise you by writing something witty in French here, but I can barely write something witty in English, let's be real. Lol.

    I love this post. It is one of the most heartfelt posts I have ever read in the two and a half years I have been in the blogosphere.

    I am not surprised you have so many devoted blog fans who leave you comments, because your blog is a real treat. You are a wonderful writer with an interesting life and I am always learning something new when I come to your blog!

    Your neighborhood in Seattle is very beautiful and picturesque. Like out of a movie! And you have such amazing friends in real life. They seem like a lot of fun.

    When I get married and have a family, I hope I am lucky enough to have even a taste of such a wonderful life!


  16. What an immersion in your life, and the life of your neighbourhood. The feeling of happiness won`t leave me till the end of the week.

  17. What a great description of your life and where you live are right about friends in the blogosphere, too....virtual encounters that turn to real relationships.

  18. Bravo pour de si belles photos et votre commentaire. J'espere pouvoir faire votre connaissance lors de mon prochain sejour a Seattle.

  19. Oh, l'aime. Et chèrie, je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi; le Blogland est un endroit super afin de faire des amies. OUI. Je vais fêter quatre années en janvier d'écriture ici et j'ai rencontrer de meilleures amies grâce à nos blogs. Pourquoi? Parce qu'on VEUT partager nos vies, nos besoins, nos passions. QUEL JOLI BANLIEU!!!!!!!! ET MA BELLE, MERCI MILLE FOIS POUR TES MOTS DE TENDRESSE....merci bien!!!! BISES, Anita

  20. happiness is a great photographer.

  21. Bonsoir véronique, quel plaisir de lire ton blog en français et en anglais ! j'adore ! merci pour ce partage !

  22. Merci pour ce joli morceau de ta vie!
    Mais j'ignorais qu'il neigeât à Seattle!!!(air horrifié de la frileuse)
    Pour faire court: C'est beau chez toi!J'ai trouvé l'érable, magnifique!
    Et ton fiston est bien mignon, profites en bien!
    Amitiés du Sud de la France


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle