Sunday, December 18, 2011

French Girl's first Christmas Giveaway: Results are in!

Macaron tower chez Fauchon (November 2011)

Well, we had a good time, didn't we? Thank you for joining me last week to celebrate Le Blog's first anniversary in style. All of your comments and friendship messages were much appreciated. 

We had Kir Royal and petits fours. We laughed. We reminisced. We traded stories. That's the stuff the best parties are made of. 

French Girl in Seattle's first Christmas Giveaway is officially over. Contestants chose one of two books: Michael Tonello's Bringing Home the Birkin [thank you for joining the growing list of Le Blog's Followers, Michael. We love having you!] and Clotilde Dussolier's Clotilde's Edible Adventures in Paris.

Junior's innocent hand has drawn the winners, one for each book. Félicitations (congratulations) to Jenny, a.k.a. Jennifer Fabulous (I know, Right?) who won Michael Tonello's book, and to Genie (Paris and Beyond) who won the Clotilde Dussoulier book. I will be contacting you shortly to get your postal address, ladies.

I hope the rest of you are not too disappointed. Do not despair. Christmas is just a few days away, and since you have all been so nice, le Père Noël will certainly spoil you! Just remember to do as French children do: Leave your pantoufles (slippers) by the tree on December 24. 

A heads-up: My blogging schedule may be a bit erratic over the next couple of weeks. Junior's grandma, Mutti, is visiting us for the Holidays. She will be flying from Paris, where we spent Christmas last year. It was a special time to be in the French capital. The city seems even more magical in December. We did not mind the cold weather (or the snow) while we caught up with relatives, and explored some favorite neighborhoods. We miss you Paris. We miss you, la famille

A cold day in the Tuileries gardens
Les Champs-Elysées

La Tour Eiffel

La Seine, la nuit

French Girl, Junior and Mutti "La Parisienne"
December 2010

On the bright side, we have a few fun things planned for Mutti during her visit. Seattle is ready for Christmas, and so are we! This fall has been less rainy than usual, and we hope for more crisp, dry weather during the Holidays. 

I wrote a special story for you to celebrate the Holiday season, and I will publish it on Tuesday morning. Let me know if you like it. 

Let's stay in touch, d'accord? I will swing by whenever I can to post some pictures of our adventures in the Pacific Northwest with Madame la Parisienne (a.k.a. Mutti.) Happy gift-wrapping/Christmas-card-writing/celebrating to all of you. The countdown has officially started, but take a deep breath. Un, deux, trois. All will be well. Joyeux Noël!

A bientôt.


  1. Haaaaaa les macarons de chez Fauchon! Quelle tentation!!!
    Wishing you a good Xmas break!

  2. Joyeux Noel, Veronique! I hope you enjoy what the holidays have to offer and that you enjoy your time with Mutti! I have some family coming into town as well (although they are not traveling as far!) so it will be lovely to see everybody.

    Congrats to the winners!

  3. D'un coté ou de l'autre de l'ocean, c'est toujours beau, une ville decorée pour Noel!Il y a un an , la France etait bloquée par la neige, beaucoup de problemes pour reunir la famille à Noel, mais on y etait finalement arrivés!Cette année, tout s'annonce bleu et beau. Croisons les doigts! Pour nous, et pour "Mutti", a laquelle je souhaite un heureux sejour! J'ai hate de decouvrir vos prochaines aventures!

  4. Thank you for your comment - I'm sure if le Père Noël continues with his ice dancing he will soon be very trim! I just missed taking a photo of his 'arabesque'. Joyeux Noël, Véronique!

  5. Looks like a great time will be had!! Such special memories!! Enjoy!

  6. PS: je ne retouche pas mes photos. Le ciel est VRAIMENT bleu comme ça! pourquoi crois-tu que la region s'appelle Côte d'Azur?..:o)

  7. Fun Paris Fun Seattle-love these cities. I bet La Parisienne and you will have a blast in Seattle for the holidays. When I look at the photo of the Farmers Market in reminds me of crepes, coffee and fish. Have a nice day! =)

  8. Wow Seattle looks lovely at this time of year.
    I have sent you an award and I hope that you will pass it along.
    Merry Christmas!


  9. Here's wishing you the happiest happiest holidays, and all best for another fine blogging year in 2012 !

    Best from Mr Toad, la Grenouille, et nos grenouillettes (ou tetards si tu veux :-)

    Oh, and those macarons look delectable !

  10. I know that you will have a wonderful Christmas Vero wherever you are!! Happy for the winners but I have been a good girl this year and know that good things are coming my way too. :)


  11. Love your photos and your enthusiasm! My son is in Paris! I bought a copy of the 'Bringing Home the Birkin' on you recommendation. Love it! Cheery week to you and your family, French Girl! Thank you for the beautifully generous posts! All best, Suzanne

  12. Dearest Véronique,

    Lovely for your book winners!
    The pictures you show bring back fond memories of the Old World.
    Mutti is Mami in German so is that the relation?
    Love to you and stay warm and enjoy the Christmas season!


  13. Hum!!! Les macarons de chez Fauchon!... Toutefois les miens ne sont pas non plus!!!...
    merci de partager avec nous de si belles photos.
    Toutes mes félicitations aux gagnantes.
    Un gros bisou à toi et joyeuses fêtes.

  14. --DeeBee L. -- I believe you were not the only one to really enjoy that picture of the Fauchon Macaron Tower! Le Husband deserves all the credit for that one!
    -- Katelyn -- Merci beaucoup. I hope you enjoy your relatives' visit. Mutti arrived today after a long trip, but she is doing ok. Our first outing is scheduled tomorrow morning!
    -- Malyss-- Je te souhaite du très beau temps alors. Nous, si nous pouvons éviter trop de pluie et surtout la neige tant redoutée, nous sommes contents!
    -- Miss b. and OurLifeinaClick -- Thank you for stopping by and Joyeux Nöel!
    --Sandy-- Great to see you again. Crêpes, coffee and fish-- You're right. They can all be found at Pike Place Market. Bon appétit et Joyeux Noël!
    -- Dear Hostess -- Thank you for sending an Award my way. Will try to pass it along over the next few days.
    -- Dear Owen -- Right back at you, la Grenouille, et les grenouillettes!
    -- Heather -- Can't wait to hear what Santa is bringing to you, good girl! ;-)
    -- Suzanne -- So happy you are enjoying the Birkin book. I loved it too! Joyeux Noël!
    -- Mariette -- Le Husband learned German in school. He used to call his mom "Mutti" (mom) when he was young. Now everyone calls my MIL "Mutti", even my son!
    -- MartineAlison -- Alors comme ça, tu sais faire les macarons? Impressionnée, je suis! Joyeux Noël!

  15. Veronique a very Merry Christmas to you and your family, even though you are not in Paris this festive season I am sure you will have a wonderful time....
    We will connect in blogland in 2012!!
    Carla x

  16. It's been so long since I spent Xmas in Paris...
    Time to go back
    merci for the great pics


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle