Sunday, February 19, 2012

And the Award goes to...

George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) knows a thing or two about Awards

The Academy Awards are just around the corner. Perfect timing.

A few days ago, Natalie, from a Jewel Yet To Find, surprised me with the Liebster Blog Award.

Merci beaucoup, Natalie! 

The Liebster Blog Award recognizes up-and-coming bloggers with fewer than 200 Followers. I am happy and honored to receive this award from Natalie. She lives in Toronto and writes inspiring stories about her travels in France, always illustrated with beautiful photographs.

Once you receive the Liebster Award, you should:

1. Thank the person who sent the award your way by linking back to their website.

2. Copy and paste the Liebster Award Logo to your blog.

3. Choose five bloggers who, you feel, are deserving of more Followers.

4. Hope that your five "nominees" will accept the Liebster Award, and forward it to five bloggers of their choice, so it keeps going his merry way.

Since I started blogging in December 2010, I have enjoyed taking a few minutes each day to visit my favorite blogs, and leaving comments for their authors. Some of them are well recognized in "Blogland." Others are not... yet. I am hoping to change this by awarding them the Liebster Award and showcasing their work chez French Girl in Seattle today. Please visit their blogs when you get a chance. You will not regret it. 

Nominee #1: 

My friend Malyss, Chronicles from the Shore. Malyss takes surprising, unusual and often inspired photos of her city, Nice, on the beautiful Côte d'Azur. Malyss is also a bit of a poet. The captions or introductions she writes to introduce her daily posts often get me thinking. I appreciate the time, hard work and creativity involved in her daily posts. Bravo, Malyss. 

Nominee #2:

Katelyn, Pure Panache. Voilà a fun, creative, consistently entertaining blog. Katelyn is a francophile. On her blog, (I visit several times a week,) I find great tips about design, home decor, shopping, accessories, cooking and more. I always check out her links to favorite online boutiques, as I know she has a knack for digging up "cool" objects and ideas. 

Nominee #3:

Miss b, Bobochic. Miss b hails from the United Kingdom and is a versatile blogger. On her blog, I have found recipes for favorite cocktails, snapshots on stylish, sometimes unusual accessories and products, and - my personal favorite - reviews of trendy establishments when she takes her readers to Dubai, a place I have not visited yet.

Nominee #4: 

Aidan, Conjugating Irregular Verbs. Aidan is from Texas, but she lives in Southern France with her [French] husband and three lively children. I read several posts written by American expats in France. Aidan's is the one I keep coming back to. She excels at writing personal and entertaining stories about her family's daily life in my homeland. I like her sense of humor,  her curiosity, her resiliency, and most of all, her positive outlook on French idiosyncrasies (that Texan girl ain't no whiner!) 

Nominee  #5: 

MJ, Seattle Moxie. Now, here is a great story. For several years, American-born MJ blogged from Paris, France where she lived the expat life with her Canadian husband and two young children. MJ quickly built a strong following thanks to her witty and often hilarious posts. A few months ago, MJ's husband was transferred back to Seattle, WA. That's right, we are neighbors. MJ did not let minor details such as an international move, house hunting or her kids' school life slow her down. She immediately launched a new blog and is facing the transition head on. Bonne chance, MJ!

And here you have them: French Girl's five nominees for the Liebster Blog Award. Félicitations, Mesdames. There are other friends I could have mentioned, as this is hardly an exhaustive list. There are many talented, creative people in Blogland, folks. 

As for me, the new award recipient, I have found a way to reward myself for such an outstanding achievement (George Clooney, Meryl Streep and Jean Dujardin do not have a Liebster Award. They will die when they hear the prestigious recognition landed chez French Girl!) 

When you read this story, I will be en vacances (on vacation) in an exotic locale, lying in the sun, frolicking in the ocean, and sipping colorful cocktails.

"Where?," you ask.

I will give you three hints:

1. Forget evergreens, banana slugs, and grey skies. I give you palm trees, iguanas and sunny skies. 

2. I have packed this handy little tool in my suitcase:

3. The life of this [formerly] sleepy town was changed forever when a famous movie was shot in the area in the 1960s. 

Think you got it? Do tell, please.

Until next time, "La vie est belle, les amis!" -- Life is good!

A bientôt.


  1. Congrats on your blog award. It is truly well-deserved. This is one of my favorite blogs and I am always learning something from you! But, I do not think it will be long before you are ineligible for this award. Hehe. ;)

    Your trip sounds heavenly. I can't wait to see photos and hear stories. I'm not going out of town until next month, and even then it is just to a small town in Illinois. Sigh. I live vicariously through you! xo

    1. Thank you Jenny, and the feeling is mutual! A vacation is a vacation, and I am happy you will go out of town next month. Everyone needs a break once in a while.

  2. Les doigts de pied en éventail, allongée sur ces chaises longues, le soleil dorant tes épaules... Le paradis!
    Alors, je te souhaite beaucoup de bonheur, Véronique, et je te dis "A bientôt!"

    1. Un grand merci à toi, Richard! Quand on habite à Seattle, le soleil c'est très important, tu sais... ;-)

  3. Bravo à toi, et merci pour la transmission!C'est trop sympa!Et ça met de bonne humeur pour debuter la semaine!
    Comme tu dis, au moins un que Jean Dujardin n'aura pas..:o)
    Je vais avoir un probleme pour le transmettre, la plupart de mes amis bloggers ont largement dépassé les 200 followers..
    Où vas-tu? Miami? l'Amerique du sud?tant de films dans les années 60! En tous cas , les photos font rêver..
    Passe de bonnes vacances, et n'oublie pas de nous ramener de belles photos! Bises!

    1. Je t'en prie, Malyss. C'est bien mérité de toutes façons. Fais de ton mieux pour "la transmission." Il doit bien y avoir un petit blog qui a besoin d'attention près de toi... Je suis entre les Etats-Unis et l'Amérique du Sud. Bisous

  4. Congratulations on your award, Veronique! Absolutely well-deserved. Thanks also for the mention - I am touched that you think so highly of my blog! The feeling is mutual, I assure you! Blogs really are a labor of love, so when they are recognized by friends and awards, it is truly rewarding.

    I must confess I have no idea where you will be vacationing, although I hope you have a fabulous, well-deserved break and come back with wonderful stories and beautiful pictures!

    Congratulations, once again, and a bientot!

    1. Merci Katelyn, and you're welcome. I am vacationing somewhere between the United States and Latin America... ;-) It is lovely down here and I will indeed come back with pictures and stories - See you in a few days.

  5. SO HAPPY FOR YOUR AWARD...and as you know- it goes without saying...well deserved -WELL DONE!!and as ALWAYS your graciousness abounds in the accolades bestowed to your fellow writers(bloggers)-v, i heed your suggestions and will def. follow suit here...and if you can believe this- i too am heading to my sunny spanish part of the world tommorrow-just some r and r....enjoy and talk to you when i return...

    1. Merci my dear friend "g. from Philadelphia!" So you are off to sunnier climates too? Bon voyage, bon voyage! We have enjoyed our little corner of Spanish-speaking paradise so far ;-)

  6. Congratulations on your award. Have a wonderful holiday.

  7. Veronique,
    You're so close to 200. It will be any day now. I vote Belize. Is that where you are? I hope you're having a wonderful warm time and can't wait to hear about it and see your photos. Have a pina colada for me.

    Thank you so much for including me on such a great list. I'm the little engine that could as far as followers go...i think i can, i think i can!
    That I'm not a whiner is one of the nicest things anyone can say about me! I mean it. It's hard sometimes but I sure do try.
    I still owe you some Carambar so just let me know where to send them.
    gros bisous,

    1. Bonjour Aidan-- Congratulations once again. It is very well deserved. I will definitely have a pina colada for you (or two...) No, we are not in Belize. You are close in latitude but a bit off in longitude ;-) PS: Will be in touch about the carambars.

  8. hey there! congrats on your award.
    well deserved btw. ^-^
    okay, so you're off to Spain that;s for sure. ^-^
    but 1960's! yikes, it got me thinking...
    hmmm.. can't tell where exactly though,
    anyways, i hope you have a bon vacance and till then,
    will patiently wait for your next post.

    1. Merci Arabesque! Nope, I am not in Spain but locals speak Spanish, certainly. Think closer to the United States ;-)

  9. Eww is it Costa Rica? Did you already say? Well congrats on your award Veronique. =) Well deserved. You're so right Blogland has so many good blogs, it's really hard to choose sometimes...and the time...I need to retire some day soon. ;) Happy vacance!

    1. Bonjour Sandy. No, it is not Costa Rica ;-) Thank you for your comment. Your blog is a great one too, and I am sorry I was in a position where I had to choose among my favorite ones.

    2. Well at least my blog is not on your worst list.LOL And if I am, don't tell me! hee hee Where are you at? You're killing me Veronique...this nomad needs to know where this french girl is traveling to! =) Maybe in one of the comments...geeze I'll be here all day.LOL Instead of..." Where in the world is Matt Lauer" shoulde be Where in the world is Veronique! =)

    3. Okay Mexico! I can rest easy now. I can't wait where in Mexico and what you did! Next Blog? !

    4. Dear Sandy. The nomad will find the answer to her question a few comments below! ;-)

  10. Interesting about the bloggers. Beautiful photos - enjoy votre vancance.

  11. Congratulations on receiving such a prestigious award! Your Oscars speech was superb. I wonder what outfit from what designer you were wearing. I'm sure it was French. They are the best :)

    1. Merci Olga. So glad you enjoyed my Oscar Speech. I did it without reading my notes ;-) I was wearing a beautiful gown by Chanel Couture and managed not to fall off my Louboutin lamé sandals (right!)

  12. Yeah for Aidan!!! And I'm sure her 'French' husband will be happy too! (actually he'll probably just be happy that someone thinks he's French!)
    Enjoy your holiday and the delicious Pina Coladas :)

    1. WHAT?!!!? You mean the infamous "P-Daddy" is not French?! Holy Molly!! In-cro-ya-ble!!! The man rides his bicycle and climbs the Mont Ventoux like the greatest French champions, for crying out loud!!! I stand corrected. Merci, Sara Louise. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  13. Félicitations, Véronique! I'm so delighted that you have been chosen for this award. You certainly deserve it - your blog is so interesting, informative and very well-written and I always look forward to your posts. I was so surprised (and excited!) to see my name on the list. As a relative newcomer to blogging (eight months now!) it means so much to be appreciated, especially by French Girl in Seattle as I really admire you and your lovely blog. Merci beaucoup! You've made my day, week and more!
    Bonnes Vacances!(Mexico??) miss b x

    1. Thank you Miss b. The feeling is mutual, and "félicitations" for winning the Liebster blog! I was waiting for you to post a new story so I could let you know about it - ha! You found out first. Oh, and bravo for guessing where we are spending the week: Mexico! A bientôt!

  14. Thank you Veronique very much for sweet words about my blog. I feel like a tiny Velib among luxury cars within well established and popular blogs.
    A few visitors came via your blog, a few new links bookmarked.
    I've just reread your previous post Un Dimanche à la Campagne which is one of your loveliest one. Wonderfully written story and imagery.
    You are surely a girl with the past. I wonder how could you focus on work with such a view from your office. I definitely wouldn't be able to.
    And thanks for a great idea. It haven't occurred to me that Chatou is so close to Paris. It's my next day trip destination on the next trip to Paris hopefully. The list is filling up rapidly.
    Thanks again.

    1. Thank you once again Natalie. I am glad the Liebster Award is serving its purpose and bringing more traffic to "younger blogs." Thank you, too, for the kind comments. You will enjoy Chatou if you go there.

  15. Your blog is very chic, congratulations to you and the people you passed the award on to.

    As a movie buff I'm intrigued by the location of your vacation.
    Is it Puerto Vallarta, location of the film Night Of The Iguana ?

    1. And the winner is... Paul S! Congratulations. We are indeed in Puerto Vallarta where the Night of the Iguana was shot many years ago. If you are a movie lover (as I am,) don't miss the next post. You will like it!

    2. I'll look forward to it!

  16. Congratulations on your award! I look forward to reading some of the other blogs you passed the award onto, they sound intriguing!

    Enjoy your vacation in Mexico, there are some truly delightful places there!


    1. Merci Melanie! I love Mexico, especially the area we are staying in right now. There is so much to do here. Thank you for your visit. Come back soon!

  17. Congrats on your well-deserved award, and a "bravo" for your sunny vacation! I know and follow most of your Liebster Award nominees and will catch up with the rest.

    Can't wait to hear of your adventures, mon amie!


  18. Oh thank goodness Paul guessed the name of the film Veronique, it would have driven me crazy trying to figure it out! Congrats on your award, so well was a happy day for me when we found each other, looking forward to hearing about your adventures in Mexico, although right now the idea of snow is more appealing to moi! It's way too hot here in Perth.

    1. Merci beaucoup, and I agree, it was a happy day when we found each other. I do not follow that many Australian blogs and love discovering Perth through your eyes. I will swing by later on today!

  19. Oh I have been to Aidan's blog and seen the recipients that she has chosen as well. I think you are in one fabulous place and look forward to more photographs.
    La vie est belle INDEED!

    1. Oui Madame. More details to follow. Need to sort out through Le Husband's hundreds of photos first ;-)

  20. Congratulation!

    Looking forward to "la belle vie"...!!!!

    Amicalement and greetings from the Périgord,

    1. Merci Karin. It's warmer here than in le Périgord right now, but Mexico does not do duck as well as your region either ;-)

  21. Congrats on your award! Lucky girl on your upcoming tropical getaway!!

    1. Merci beaucoup. Lucky girl indeed. And I managed not to get sunburnt!

  22. Congratulaions and well deserved. Take a bow. I love that the Liebster Award is reserved exclusively for bloggers. Eat your heart out Hollywood!I will look forward to visiting your fellow nominees.


    Helen xx

    1. Here you go. I just bowed ;-) Thank you for your visit, Helen!

  23. Congratulations, dear.
    Great blog!


  24. Congratulations!! Always love and enjoy your site and posts!!

    1. Merci Suzanne... and back at you. Loved your last story on French movies. Good luck to "The Artist" tonight!

  25. A well-deserved award. 57 comments on this post alone attest to your worthiness. I have never received 57 comments on a single post.
    Looking forward to reading about your sojourn.

    1. Thank you very much. I am always very grateful for every comment, but truth be told, only half that number were actual messages from readers. The other half were my replies to them ;-)

  26. Thank you for your lovely comment - so pleased you enjoyed the Istanbul post. Looking forward to reading about your holiday in Puerto Vallarta.

  27. I've just found you: fun! I look forward to returning.

  28. Dear Veronique - Congrats on your award - I found your blog via an image search and wondered if I could use your Liebster photo for my "acceptance" post as it fits well with what I've written.

    1. Thank you and yes, absolutely. Feel free to use the Liebster photo. It belongs to everyone at this point :-)

    2. Thanks - I actually traced the award back to December 19th 2010 - not the first recipient, as she'd received it from someone but definitely one of the earliest ones!


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle