Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Saying goodbye is never easy

Spring arrived in Seattle during Easter weekend. Just like that, La Seattle, ever the big tease, decided that she'd had enough of rain, grey skies, and cold weather. Bam! Out came the sun, 70 F weather, and the most vibrant blue skies seen on this side of the Puget Sound in a long, long time. I could hear the Emerald city chanting: "Who Da Boss, uh-huh?! Who Da Boss?!

All right, all right, calm down now, Seattle. It was about time, and besides, let's see how long you can keep this going. To quote Kanye W., "Do you have the stamina, uh-huh? Do you have the stamina?!"

In our corner of suburbia, every single family apparently stayed home and celebrated Easter with relatives and friends. The local mall... uh... town, turned into one big, empty parking lot. Even Tar-Zhay (Target) was closed! Freaky. 

On a day like this, you realize expat life is not always what it is cut out to be: Our relatives live too far away to join us on special Holidays.  Dommage. They could have brought with them some of the delicious French chocolate confections displayed in boulangeries all over my homeland. Instead, poor Junior had to make do with the mediocre chocolate selection found at the local grocery store (Hershey, anyone?) That's right, I am an opinionated [and unrepentant] chocolate snob! 

So this family decided to do things differently. We headed down to the marina, where our favorite weekend home, Mistral, awaits. 

I have already told you about our adventures on the old girl. This trip was bitter-sweet. Mistral will be going to a new home in a few weeks. Le Husband, in his never-ending quest for the perfect sailboat, has made an offer on another beauty. She is no spring chicken, but new to us, and once he has worked his magic, she will look smashing. She is at the boat spa now. Not to worry, there will be proper introductions later.

Last weekend was our last chance to spend a couple of days on Mistral and say goodbye to our faithful companion. Together, we explored the Puget Sound area over the last four years. Ah, the fun times we had on board! I browsed through old photographs and looked back at what makes cruising in the Pacific Northwest such a special experience. 

Voilà, ma recette (my recipe,) for a perfect sailing trip...

 A great boat: Fast enough to satisfy Le Husband's and Junior's quest for speed and performance. Comfortable enough to accommodate our family and a few friends for day sails and extended coastal cruising. Beautiful Mistral fit the bill on most counts.

Elliott Bay marina, Seattle
In Victoria, BC (summer 2010)

Rosario marina, Orcas Island

 ✔ An adventure-loving crew: Junior and I trust our experienced skipper to steer Mistral safely from port to port. We do not mind camping out on the water for days on end (I confess I am more of a fair weather boater than les Boys!) Meet Mistral's crew...

 ✔ Great friends. All kinds of friends. Some live on board. Some come along for the ride. Others we meet on the way...

 ✔ Feasts. Simple meals. Everything tastes so much better on a boat! 

Catching crab in Roche Harbor,  San Juan island

Boat barbecues: Very tricky to use!

Dinner in Mistral's comfortable cabin

 ✔ Time to relax; explore; and goof around.

 ✔ Sunny days. Peaceful coves. Glorious sunsets. Favorable winds in your sail.

... and finally... 

 ✔ A reliable boat. One that will take you home safely. Always. No matter what the weather. No matter how angry the sea can be. 

Merci, et au revoir, Mistral. Fair winds and following seas, old friend! 

A bientôt.

Photos by American Frog photography. 
Please do not use without permission.


  1. No, Hershey's does not compare to the boulanger chocolate! Our family ate plenty of the good stuff on your behalf - apparently two year olds DO like dark chocolate ;) Your boat looks gorgeous - hope you have as much fun on the new one.

    1. Merci Nicola! I am glad you and your family got to enjoy the delicious chocolate even though we didn't. It's not just the taste... it's also the way it looks and the adorable things French chocolatiers create for Easter-- the attention to detail. Definitely a VERY good trait in French people. ;-)

  2. I was so pleased to see that you had a new post! You have had so much fun on Mistral - even a barbecue - that did look tricky! Lovely photos especially the sunsets. I look forward to seeing your new boat and reading about your adventures! Glad you have sun - we have had constant rain!!
    A bientôt.

    1. Dear miss b. Not to worry the rain is coming back today, they say ;-) I hope all is well with you!

  3. While it is sad that she will no longer take you on your adventures, I can't wait to see your new addition!

  4. I'm sure holidays are difficult when your extended family is far away, but it looks like you spent some beautiful days on the water among close family and friends! I can see why you will miss Mistral, but hopefully you will create some wonderful new memories out on the water soon!

    1. Absolutely. Can't wait to get started in our new "floating home." ;-)

  5. She sure is a beauty...i hope her next home ENJOYS her as much as you guys did....cannot wait to hear about the new mistress once she is ready...hope all is well and it was good to hear from you!!

    1. Thank you g. I see you received the email notification. I am glad it worked out. Has spring arrived in your neck of the woods?

  6. Un bateau n'est pas , n'est jamais, un simple moyen de transport. Même le plus vieux des rafiots, le plus usé, reste avant tout un compagnon d'aventure. C'est un de ces objets auxquels on peut attribuer une âme.Du moment où il s'elance de sa cale et rebondit sur ses premières vagues comme un jeune cabri, jusqu'à celui où il s'echoue definitivement comme un vieux pachyderme fatigué, il vit , il respire, il partage; C'est pourquoi, effectivement, dire au revoir à un bateau n'est jamais facile; resteront pour toi les souvenirs et les images, que lui restera-t-il à lui?...

  7. Bonjour Malyss. J'aurais bien aimé écrire une "ode à Mistral" mais tu t'en es chargée pour moi. Merci et bravo. Elle complète très bien cet hommage en photos. Mistral a encore de belles années devant lui (23 ans ce n'est pas si vieux pour un voilier...) C'est un modèle recherché aux Etats-Unis et nous espérons que ses nouveaux propriétaires l'apprécieront autant que nous! Les bateaux sont comme les chiens, je crois... toujours prêts pour de nouvelles aventures, même si c'est avec un nouveau "maître." Bonne fin de semaine à Nice!

  8. Does your son realize he's the luckiest kid in the world?!? He has such awesome parents who take him boating for the weekend!! :D It sounds like a really, really fun experience. Growing up, I rarely got to be on a boat (my dad is terrified of water). So I'm a tad envious right now. ;)

    1. Bonjour Jenny. Yes, he is lucky, and yes, he knows it (we remind him often to make sure he remembers! ;-) He has turned into quite the little sailor and hopes to start racing with his Dad this year. Fortunately, he is adventuresome and always ready to "cast off!" If you lived in Seattle, you would probably get to boat too, either on your own boat or on your friends' boat. What a shame it would be to live here and put up with 9 months of rain/grey skies if you can't get out there and enjoy the water! A bientot Jenny!

  9. Dearest Véronique,

    Oh, one can get attached to such a loyal travel companion! You have at least some great memories of wonderful trips.
    About Easter, yes you are so right... it always will be very different. But you made the best of it with your family.
    Have a great mid-week.


    1. Bonjour Mariette. Thank you for stopping by! We expats always make the best of it, don't we? :-)

  10. Whoa! what an adventurous family and so lucky to own Mistral ~ I can't say that I am a boat lover...I would rather say on the beach watching the ocean...but your little boy is so lucky
    Home baked Hot cross buns here for Easter and Chocolate eggs hunt after the passage of the bunny ...
    En tout cas de belles photos qui font rever xo

    1. Funny, I can never stay on a beach for long. I prefer cruising and hit a different beach every night. Even though... I hear that beaches are quite amazing in your corner of the world, Malou. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. I'm particularly amused by the chocolate frogs... Our home is awash in chocolate, although I miss the peanutbutter/chocolate combo. I can't wait to hear about your new boat!

    1. Thank you Liene. The chocolate frogs. I would have loved finding a chocolate frog! ;-) Bon weekend!

  12. Such a bittersweet post... You have had such happy times on Mistral... but the memories are there... I wish your beautiful boat a successful journey and I hope her new home is as wonderful... Enjoy the weekend Véronique... xv

    1. Bonjour Vicki. Happy to hear from you. Great memories indeed. Boating has been such an important (and fun!) part of Northwest living for us. Looking forward to more cruising on the new "floating home..." Bon weekend a toi aussi!

  13. For a second, I thought you were leaving. Phew! Looks like a very nice bateau and lots of history on it! Great photos. I can't imagine a better boat! But, I can't wait for pictures of the nouveau. Always fun to visit your post!! =)Bon weekend et Happy Friday the 13th. n'ayez pas peur.;)

  14. Sailboats were a daily part of my life at one time and I do long for the feel of the sails going up, the sound of the clanking and the wench being hauled in, and the silence when she is happy with full sails on a beam reach... Le sigh

    People who own sailboats are always thinking about their next one... I can't wait to see!

    So glad that the emerald city smiled on you for your goodbyes!


    I totally agree with you about the chocolate!!

  15. What great pictures; looks like so much fun being out on the water around Seattle. I would be sorely tempted to get a sail boat if we lived within 1/2 hour of safe waters for sailing. I would be too afraid of going out on the Pacific Ocean. And I definitely agree about the chocolate; what a let down to have to choose between hershey and other mediocre chocolates.

    1. Seattle would be as close to Heaven as I will ever come if we could enjoy boating AND French chocolates on a regular basis ;-)

  16. There's something about life ona boat. You relax instantly. Looked like such a fabulous time was had by you all. So pleased.

  17. Hi, I just found your blog and what a lovely boat, I know you will miss her. We sold our sailboat a few years ago and purchased a cabin cruiser, big mistake. We have missed our "Wazapan" and never really got attached to the new boat . . . which we are about to sell, because we just don't take it out. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your new dream boat. Your newest follower, Connie :). Come on over to my blog for a visit, my welcome mat is always out.

    1. Thank you for "Following" French Girl in Seattle, Connie. I understand how you feel about "Wazapan." I don't think Le Husband will ever go back to powerboating!

  18. Hi, My wife told me about your blog and said that I should look at it. Sailing is a thing that grabs your heart and never lets go. I'll be looking forward to seeing your new boat and what you do to make it perfect for your family. An old sailor and a new follower, Steve
    Check out the yacht tender that I built. Photos on my blog.

    1. So glad you decided to listen to your wife's advice, Steve. :-) Welcome chez French Girl in Seattle!

  19. I did not know Zaz and enjoyed listening to all your audios – she is something. I see you have had technical problems with blogger. Yesterday I published a post at 2:45 pm and I think it did not show in Reader until 2:41 am this morning. I have no idea why. Your boat Mistral looks great. I have never been on a sailing boat, just the big liners or cruising ships, but I’d like to try some day. Your pictures are very inviting. Je crois que nous allons passer quelques jours à Nice cet automne, alors je retournerai regarder les posts sur la côte d’azur.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Vagabonde. It's always wonderful to hear from you! Nice in the fall sounds like Heaven... I will be there shortly myself (I can never have too much of Nice...)

  20. I can't imagine what it's like living on a boat, even for a little while. Just recently, I was speaking to a friend of mine who has sold his boat. He told me that the person who misses it the most is his youngest daughter. At least you had some good times on your boat.

    1. Dear Olga. Boats and children seem to have a special connection. My son loves spending time onboard and is very good at entertaining himself during our summer travels. We had great times on Mistral indeed, and will have many more on the new "weekend home..." A bientôt!

  21. C'est vrai que c'était un week-end magnifique. C'est presque flippant ce temps en ce moment, non?

    En tout cas en bateau ça devrait être top!

  22. Quel dépaysement! Tu nous donnes toujours envie de venir partager tes voyages!

  23. Looks like a perfect Easter weekend! We were away too. Your sailboat looks so lovely and comfortable! Can't wait to meet her replacement!

  24. Your boat is just beautiful and it must be hard saying good-bye to it. I shall look forward to reading of the new boat.

    We owned a cabin cruiser for many years and I took the power squadron courses which were very interesting. I loved entertaining on board, as one did not have to fuss and food tasted good regardless.

    Thanks for sharing

    Helen xx

    1. Bonjour Helen. Good for you! So many people invest in power boats and never bother taking a proper navigation course first! July 4 on Lake Union in downtown Seattle can be a terrifying experience: Lots of so-so "drivers" and most are drunk! Yikes!

  25. HI Veronique, what a post, so many great photos. I know what you mean about being an expat on family days such as Easter. Makes you feel a long way away.. Keep up the good work. Carla

    1. Thank you for your visit Carla. Love the new website. I hope my new site looks half as good as yours! A bientôt!

  26. I enjoyed your photographs Veronique, especially those incredible sunsets.
    I hope you and yours have as much fun in your new vessel!

  27. Hi Veronique, I'm really happy I stumbled upon your beautiful blog and you newest post makes me really excited to go to France one day. I really like your photography. I have a facebook page http://www.facebook.com/logoffchallenge where I try to encourage people to stay off their phones while in the company of their friends. I am about to make a new post explaining the phone stack game and your photograph of the stack of phones would be great to include. Would you mind if I uploaded it on my page? I will definitely credit you and provide a link to your blog. Please let me know. Thank you :)


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle