Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In Nice, with Malyss... Summer 2012 Travelogue (5)

Bonjour à tous,

It has been a busy and fun two days in beautiful Nice. I have seen the city up close and personal, thanks to my very own travel guide, Malyss, from Chronicles from the Shore

When I arrived last Friday, I was a bit anxious. Last year's trip had been so successful. How could I possibly top that? Where to start? I need not have worried. This has been a different, but equally enjoyable, visit. I have my fellow blogger - and, as of this week, new friend - to thank for that. 

Malyss and I have been spending hours together over the last two days, and there is more coming tomorrow. We have walked all over Nice, but this time, I have discovered new landmarks and neighborhoods. I had asked her to show me her favorite sections of town, the native's version - I hoped - of Nissa la Bella. She has kept her word. My faithful sidekick, the Panasonic Lumix LX5 is begging for mercy. I have taken hundreds of shots. Good thing about traveling with another blogger: They totally get your need to document moments and wait patiently when you say: "Encore une!" (one more picture.) 

Another perk: There is someone who can take a few shots of me too!
It seems I have earned a new nickname:  "Paparazette"

Malyss and I have found out we have a lot in common. We are both Southern girls, and are only a couple of years apart. We both love to travel, and have moved around France with our families when we were younger. We have lived in foreign countries, speak several languages (Malyss, especially,) and appreciate other cultures. We love the same books; have the same cultural references; love a lot of the same movies. We had to meet. 

Thanks to Malyss, I got to see another side of Nice, away from the beaten track, up in the hills above the city. I am now convinced it is impossible to take a bad picture of this photogenic Southern beauty. It is not just the dark blue skies, or the rich shades of the Mediterranean. Wherever I look, up, down, behind me: There seems to be something, or someone catching my eye. Click. Click. Click, goes the Lumix. "Oh. Ah. Magnifique. Superbe. Incroyable," exclaims the French [Americanized] tourist. Malyss is quiet and smiles often as she watches me. I suspect she finds my enthusiasm rather entertaining. And that's all right. 

Malyss knew where to take me for a special late afternoon drink...
My fascination with Nice façades is endless...

I feel fortunate I got to see a side of the city that felt authentic, away from the bustling Promenade des Anglais, or the popular Vieux Nice (Old Town.) I wanted to watch locals go about their daily lives, but would not have known where to look. Malyss did. She is one of them. 

I swear this city does not just have looks. It has attitude too. There are some bizarre, incroyables moments! Click. Click. Click, goes the Lumix. 

Can a truck go through the old town's narrow streets?
This is Nice. No problem.

If Malyss had not moved our table to the side...

French girls know when to stop, kick back, and enjoy life, a good glass of rosé; a local dish; some ice cream... We have had many opportunities for casual conversation; talking about our families; blogging; our preference for sophisticated compact cameras; you know, the stuff two girls like to talk about-- life, love, and the pursuit of happiness...

Life is a café terrace in Nice...

Best socca in Nice, I am certain (and I am planning to try it everywhere!)

Like two old girlfriends, Malyss and I have started sharing our dreams too. She knows about one of mine, and she supports it, as it involves her city. I look at some old, abandoned houses, and imagine how grand, how magnificent, they once were; I wonder how much work it would be to bring them back to their past glory...

Hey, Mr Toad: This shot is for you!

I dream a dream... but for now, it is best to make short term plans. One such projet involves Le Husband and Junior. I would love for them to join me when I return next year. I spotted something today that Junior would really, really enjoy!

Nice sailing school students have it good!

For now, let's enjoy the present. There are still two days left, and on Thursday, lucky Moi will get to meet another fellow blogger, and discover more special places. 

Merci, Malyss, for your hospitality and your generosity when sharing your city with this strange French Girl who came all the way from Seattle! Merci pour ton amitié, Marie

Two bloggers shooting reflections... Don't ask!

Merci Nice, pour ton sourire... Nice, you make everyone smile.

A bientôt.

[Almost] all photos by French Girl in Seattle
Please do not use without permission.
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  1. Tis the only way to see a place properly I think: to be shown by a local. How marvelous that you not only got to catch up and explore, in fabulous detail, this bustling beautiful city, but also made a friend into the bargain.

  2. Veronique, I am in awe! So beautiful! I am so happy to be living vicariously through your photos...if I can't be there, this is the next best thing! Continued wishes for a fabulous trip! xo

  3. Coucou Seattle !
    De retour en France pour les vacances ?
    Je voudrais tant voir ces facades jaunes, j'adore !!!
    Ces photos sont toutes plus belles les unes que les autres, ah Nice...je voudrais bien connaitre, mais c'est helas trop loin de chez mes parents.

  4. Que du plaisir que de vous lire aujourd'hui ma chère amie... et de revoir un peu la ville de Nice que j'affectionne et qui me reçoit régulièrement pour mes contrôles médicaux! (moins drôle!)...
    Tes photos sont merveilleuses et tu as bien fait de faire chauffer ton Lumix!

    Gros bisous à toi...

  5. it sounds wonderful...dreams do come true keep dreaming!

  6. Veronique,
    How wonderful, incredible, glorious, perfect! That's my American enthusiasm at your post today. I love the photos of you. You look so relaxed and happy and I am more than a bit intrigued at your dreams and an old house to put some elbow grease into as you live on your sailboat in the harbor.
    And please tell me more about the crunchy socca. I have to make it.
    I like knowing you're just right over to the east of me under the same warm sun of your beautiful country.

  7. Si mes ami(e)s sont heureux, je le suis aussi !
    je pense qu'apres un tel post, la population de Nice va tripler !!:o)
    A tout à l'heure pour la suite!

  8. I am so envious of you! Now, surely she has to come to Washington to pay YOU a visit? Perhaps she will stop by to see me too!!!!!!!

  9. What a great time with your blog friend and what an opportunity to see this 'away from it all' area - those façades are so pretty especially the one with the bicycle on the balcony (super photo!) I'm sure Nissa la Bella will soon be overrun with your followers, Véronique!

  10. Ha I knew we would have things in common Veronique, I also use a compact Panasonic Lumix the FZ100 I love it for it's versatility and it is so lightweight and easy to carry in my bag. J'adore your account of your fabulous trip to Nice, what a marvelous time you had with Malyss, this does not surprise me at all, a beautiful city and a wonderful friend and guide, what could be more perfect. The sea looks as blue and beautiful there as it does here, and maybe even better if it has no sharks haha!

  11. Sounds (and looks) like you had a wonderful time with your french guide. Nice looks beautiful and wonderfully photogenic.

  12. I'm reliving our times spent in Nice and surrounding hill towns as you share each new photo. Glad you are having a splendid vacation. Thanks for taking us along.

  13. This is one of your best posts evah (among so many)! Thanks for taking us along. You hit all my favorite spots can't wait to be in your shoes!!

  14. Wonderful post. How wonderful that you have met a true friend through blogging!

  15. Oh my goodness! I am now throughly in love with Nice through your pics, and Malyss' of course! That building with those splendid turquoise shutters. Wow. And the food! The wine. And... sailing school?! Oh the joy! MUST get there! MUST! Fabulous post as always, Veronique. :) I wish you continued safe and spectacular travels.


  16. You have transported me across the Ocean to Nice sitting at the table with you and Malyss. I almost became part of the conversation I was so engrossed in this scene! You have a very natural ability to tell the story and support it with beautiful photos. How perfect that you were in several of them. Through your travelogue Nice may experience a huge jump in tourism!

    Enjoy and keep 'em coming!


  17. My experience with blogging is also that one of the best parts of it to make new friends! :-)

  18. Oh how much fun. Two of my favorite bloggers have a meet-up! I hope you hugged Malyss for me too. What fun you had. I hear you might see Jilly as well! My oh my, your trip to France is a blast!

  19. Nous revenons de Memphis, TN, et je passe mon temps à lire tous les posts – les tiens me rendent mélancolique car j’allais en France 2 fois par an quand ma mère était encore vivante. Maintenant je n’ai plus de famille ou d’amis à Paris alors ce n’est plus pareil – je suis presque comme une touriste quand j’y vais. Nous avons 2 billets gratuits à cause de nos fréquent flyers miles alors au lieu d’aller à Paris nous irons à Nice en automne, avant de faire une croisière sur la mer Noire. Je prend note de tous les endroits intéressants que tu nous montres. Bonne continuation!

  20. so wonderful to read of and see your adventures in Nice. and you discovered the greatest treasure of all in that beautiful city, dear Malyss.

  21. I am running out of superlatives, which is most unusual for me!! Love your new nickname.


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle