Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Au revoir Paris, until next time... Summer 2012 Travelogue (7)

It is time to leave Paris, France, and Old Europe and to head back to the United States, where - one hopes - summer has finally arrived in Seattle. 

Le Husband has survived just fine; as have the furry children, Hailey the Yellow Dog and Felix the Cat. I know the estate yard (or garden, as they say outside of the United States,) looks wonderful, and it'd better, since the Pacific Northwest has just endured another wet, very wet, June.

It looks like Junior and I are ready to take the long trip back. We have a fun American summer to look forward to. 

It's been a wonderful three weeks. We have done so much; seen so much; it was almost overwhelming at times. But we are used to the fast pace. We have been doing this on a regular basis for the last sixteen years. Junior is sad to leave his grandparents, his cousins, and France. So am I. 

Time to look back at some fun times as we pack our bags, but first things first: Thank you to all my faithful readers for following the Summer 2012 travelogue. Thank you for your comments. I did not have time to reply to all of them, but know they were always appreciated, cheered me on and often made me smile.

For now, au revoir, Paris. Au revoir Old Europe. We will miss you, until next time. 

Remember the day we spent at Disneyland Paris? This year, the park celebrated its 20th anniversary. We had to go. Le Brother, Le Husband (then known as Le Fiancé,) and La Sister-in-Law were all there, in the spring of 1992, when EuroDisney (as the place was known at the time,) opened its doors. My former employer, American Express France, was one of the park sponsors. All of us Amex employees were invited before the official inauguration, and we went back often as a family over the years. It's been an eventful - and often rough - first twenty years, for Mickey-land in Paris, France. But they stuck it out. Joyeux Anniversaire, Disneyland Paris!

La Famille chez Mickey

Remember last Sunday, when the family met in scenic Vincennes and enjoyed a delicious meal at a local restaurant before we all headed out to le Parc Floral for a leisurely afternoon?

The keep of Château de Vincennes,  a town I once called home
La Table des Troys - a trusted address for locals
Vincennes' renowned Parc Floral
The two older cousins inside "L'Araignée" (the spider.)
That's my kid, the Fedora boy, up there, at the top!

The youngest is also the fiercest!

Remember the meals, apéros (apéritifs,) cafés gourmands along the way? I do. This is France after all.

Life is a café terrace in Paris...
A favorite Tex Mex restaurant, surrounded by dance studios in a courtyard
The Studio restaurant, 41 rue du Temple, Paris 4e.
Junior and his grandma, Mutti, enjoying a refreshing "Evian Menthe"
on a sunny afternoon
The perfect ending to a great meal: Le Café gourmand
(espresso + "sweet bites") 

Remember the shopping trips in favorite stores and boutiques? After all, the bi-annual sale started just last week (hear that, Macy's?) 

"Soldes:" A magical word in the French language!
Antoine et Lili  95 Quai de Valmy, Paris 10e.

Colorful, fun apparel and accessories - made in France, bien sûr!
I have no willpower when that label is concerned!

Remember the miles we walked, above ground and inside le Métropolitain? Good thing we brought good shoes. [Merci, Joseph Siebel !] Good thing my favorite sidekick, Paris Pratique tagged along, too. If it is good enough for les Parisiens, it is still good enough for this French Girl!

As all my French students know, you a.l.w.a.y.s.
get the pocket size edition!

Oui, it was fun exploring Paris, the city that was once our home, so many summers ago, and looking at her through tourists' eyes. Most tourists love Paris, and why wouldn't they?  Paris never disappoints and [mostly] lives up to the legend. 

Velib rental bikes and accessory boutiques, 
rue du Temple, Paris 4e.
Happy boaters see Paris from the water on Canal St Martin
Homemade iced tea in "Boboland"
Merci concept store, 111 bd. Beaumarchais, Paris 3e.

But it was good too, as former residents, to know that Paris is not all romance and glamour; that beyond the clichés, it is one big, quirky, often stressed out and packed, city... 

Les tags - That's Paris, too!
That's François Hollande, the new president, looking down at us
all over Le Marais neighborhood...

But when it is all said and done, Paris is a unique and special place, as the city kept reminding us over the last three weeks. 

Alors, au revoir, for now, Paris. We can't wait to see you again. 

Promeneurs, Bois de Boulogne

All photos by French Girl in Seattle
Please do not use without permission.



  1. Oh wow! That went fast!! Glad you had such a great time!! Welcome home when you get here!! Still lots of summer left, like you said!! Looks like a fabulous trip!

  2. v- what about le hamster...on a more serious thought, as ALWAYS merci beaucoup for sharing the journey with us...i personally am most grateful to have tagged along,virtually that is - jr is changing- he looks so grown up...safe travels home and once again i await word from the opposite coast-your pictures are beautiful the stories enjoyable and the history invaluable-many many thanks!

  3. Je vois que tu as troqué short-t-shirt contre pantalons-sweat.. Tu finis ton séjour en beauté, tu auras baucoup de jolis souvenirs pour rêver quand tu seras rentrée, ça t'aidera à patienter jusqu'à l'année prochaine.
    Bon voyage de retour ! Bises!

  4. Wishing you a safe trip home. And when you get home, there will be the joy of actually being home - which is half the fun of travelling away, I reckon! To appreciate what one already has.

  5. Have a safe trip back, Veronique!! I am VERY behind on your travelogue--I know you understand that I am caught up with my Sis but will delve in soon. You must be looking forward to the warm welcome you will have...

  6. I really enjoyed you travel journal and I am a little sad you are leaving also. You had some great photos and post, thanks for sharing your time there.

  7. I stared at that pink shop with the chandelier with my mouth dropped open for a really long time and now I forgot what I was going to say...

    Have a safe trip home. I'm glad you had a fabulous time in France. :)

  8. Des images plein les yeux et des souvenirs plein le coeur. Et puis, il y a les photos!...
    A bientôt, Véronique!

  9. Looks like you had a wonderful trip - glad you enjoyed your time in Nice and Menton especially - have a safe trip back to Seattle....greetings from london

  10. Safe Travels home Veronique and so happy you enjoyed your visit to family and friends......beautiful memories!
    Carla x

  11. Wonderfully fun to 'come along', Veronique. Thanks to you and your family! All best!

    Safe trip!

  12. I've thoroughly enjoyed following along on your wonderful adventure and I've certainly made a note of a number of places for my 'must-visit sometime list'. Merci beaucoup, Véronique!

  13. The end of a fabulous trip is always bittersweet, but I hope and am sure that you leave France with wonderful memories and that you are already looking forward to your next visit! Welcome back!

  14. Oh my, how time flies when you are having fun, can't believe you are going back already. Perhaps on another trip our paths may cross.

    Many thanks for your rusty gate photo for me which I finally saw ! Am very touched, and glad to see that the beauty sometimes present in rust and dilapidation has caught your eye.

    Have a great trip back, sure have enjoyed following your adventures here in France...

  15. So glad you had such a wonderful trip and we all look forward to you coming back again, of course. I now regularly drink a Vittel Menthe in Gorbio - it's my 'Veronique' drink for hot days. So so good to have spent time with you, dear Veronique.

  16. Oh super, your photos are showing up much bigger. And the white border around them. Very nice. Excellent photos that now look even better!

  17. Hi Veronique, I hope that you're home safe and sound after your wonderful holiday. could you please send moi some of your warm weather, it's freezing here in Perth (well not really but it is cold!!) So your little Felix is a black cat also, gosh I love this little Sidney and honestly it's so hard because she really loves being here with me but her young owner loves her too and I have to send her home at night, even through she really doesn't seem to want to go! I'm reading a book at the moment that always makes me think of you and your family for some reason, it's called Paris in Love by Eloisa James, it's very good and extremely funny, you should try it!

  18. It is, indeed, the most beautiful city in the world. It's been too long since my last visit, but I feel as if I have just spent time in Paris with some very special people. Merci beaucoup!


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle