Saturday, June 22, 2013

Les Grandes Vacances (Summer vacation)

"I see London, I see France..."

Vive les grandes vacances!

Like E.T., this French Girl is going home. 

Family. Friends. Stolen moments.

Sightseeing. Picture taking. People watching.

Café terraces. Public gardens. Old buildings.

Outdoor markets. 

Plane trees lining beautiful roads.

Pâtisseries. Warm baguettes. Petit pichet de rosé. Grand pichet?

Small cars. Small apartments. Small beds.

Slower pace. 

Time to observe; to regroup; to reflect; to plan.

History at every street corner. 

Place de la République. Rue du Général de Gaulle. Avenue de la Libération

Charles Trénet songs.

Stereotypes? Pourquoi pas, if they are based on truth...

Childhood memories.

Familiar sights. A sense of belonging. 

Old Europe. La Belle France


-- French Girl in Seattle, June 2013 --

Charles Trénet understood...


Do you want to travel with French Girl in Seattle this summer?
C'est facile!

I will be posting photos daily on Facebook as I travel in France, England and Spain...  To come along, simply "Like" the French Girl in Seattle Facebook page here and join me and my posse (over 400 francophiles and counting,) for a rollicking good time across Europe...

You have heard Google Reader will be bowing out in a few days. Not to worry. You can keep following French Girl in Seattle on other readers. Popular choices include Bloglovin' here or here. You can also click on the Bloglovin' and Feedly icons (look for the Eiffel Tower!) in my side bar... 

Merci et a bientôt.

-- Véronique

Paris, 2006


  1. HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME-looking forward to pictures, posts comments and observations-be safe!!!

    1. Merci g. I know you will be by my side, as always... Hope you have fun traveling with me, once again...

  2. Véro! Je t'embrasse fort et je te souhaite de bonnes vacances! EN FIN...CHEZ TOI! Oh, je voudrais y aller, où se trouve des rues remplies d'histoire, bien sûr! BISOUS! Anita

    1. Oui, enfin. Merci Anita. Je serai ravie de t'emmener avec moi. Tu pourras voyager "par procuration..." - Bon été studieux. J'espère que tu profiteras de ton cours de poésie.

  3. Hello Veronique

    Have a fabulous time. Home is home and I understand your excitement. I will be looking forward to hearing all about your discoveries.

    Helen xx

    1. Thank you Helen. Yes, home is home. I feel sorry for those who don't have a home, or have forgotten where they came from. Take care, and enjoy your summer, wherever your travels may take you this year.

  4. Dearest Véronique,
    Lucky you; enjoy your tour in the Old World.

    1. I will, Mariette, I will. The Old World has never looked so good... Hugs to you. Hope you are feeling better.

  5. And if you happen to come out to Versailles, please stop by the Flophouse for a cup of coffee and a walk in the garden.


    1. Bonjour Victoria. I would love to do that. I am thinking about Versailles, but it might be a very quick visit. Thank you for the invitation! Have a fun summer stateside...

  6. Bon vacances! We hope to get back to Europe next year. It has been too long (about three years!)

    1. Three years is way too long, I agree, but Old Europe will be there when you return. :-)

  7. Have a great time Veronique - I know that you will! It's a treat for us readers too as we get to read all about it and see your lovely photos.

    1. Merci Craig. I am happy to bring my readers along. They are the best bunch a blogger could hope for, and I am fortunate to have them. Some will be "returning" to Europe with me for the third time! We go way back, my posse and I :-)

  8. Je ressens chez toi comme une faim ...:o)
    Allez , viens vite recharger les accus , te ressourcer , te détendre ..
    On t'attend!La socca est dans le four, le rosé au frais ..
    J'ai donc le plaisir de finir en te disant : "à très bientôt!"
    Bisous et bon voyage!

    1. Tu as raison: J'ai faim. Ce sera un beau voyage, et Nice, comme toujours, le top du top; l'apothéose; la récompense suprême; ou, pour rester dans le registre culinaire, la cerise sur le gâteau. A bientôt sur la Côte, Marie. Garde ce rosé bien frais!

  9. Bon voyage Veronique. Have a great time. I look forward to your travel posts.

    1. Merci Michel. You have just come home. It is my time to go now. Thank you for tagging along... See you in France!

  10. Enjoy!!! It will be wonderful I'm sure. I will follow you on facebook, would love a follow back!!

  11. Tu es en retard pour la Fête de la Musique :) Mais pas pour les festivals de cette été...
    Bon voyage et profite bien (mais attention, il ne fait pas très beau ici en Europe) !

    1. Pas grave. J'ai assisté à la Fête de la Musique l'an dernier... Je suis prête pour la meteo variable. Pas facile de faire la valise, mais j'ai fait de mon mieux. Merci de ce message !

  12. Bon voyage. Can't wait to live vicariously through your photos and tales of your travels. You picked the perfect time to leave with the weather in Seattle taking such a rainy turn. Have fun! XO

    1. Bonjour et bienvenue, Jeanne. I will do my best to include you and the other members of "the gang..." - Good timing indeed. Only a couple of days left, and we board the big plane. A bientôt. Hope the sun returns to Seattle soon.

  13. Comme tu le sais déjà, les deux dernières semaines étaient très dures pour moi. Mme Mère me manque beaucoup. Pourtant j'aurai le plaisir de me sentir encore une fois sur la terre de mon enfance en suivant ton chemin Hexagonal par délégation, ma chère Véro.

    Bon voyage et bon retour. On se verra au mois d'août.

    Big bisous, M_T

    1. Chère M-T. Merci de ta visite. Je me doute que Mme Mère doit te manquer. Tu allais lui rendre visite plusieurs fois par semaine, n'est-ce-pas?

      J'espère que l'arrivée de l'été te changera un peu les idées en attendant votre voyage sur la Côte Ouest et votre belle croisière.

      Je t'embrasse,


  14. Ma chère amie je te souhaite d'excellentes vacances remplies de découvertes et de oh !!!...
    Peut-être un petit crochet par chez moi ou par Fayence où j'exposerai fin juillet.
    Gros bisous à toi.

    1. Bonjour Martine. Un petit crochet: C'est très tentant, mais hélas, l.emploi du temps de ministre ne le permettra pas. En France depuis une semaine déjà... Et en route pour Londres pendant le week-end. La vie est belle ! Bon été à toi...

  15. Bon Voyage, chere Veronique! I wish you a GLORIOUS time!
    - Irina

  16. Hope you are having a GREAT time ! Will be sure to check on facebook for your travels !!


    1. Merci Rosemary! So far, so good. I feel I have been neglecting the blog, but at least I have kept up with my daily postings on FB! There just hasn't been time for writing. But that is probably a good thing :-)

  17. Bonjour Veronique,
    Know what you mean about no time to blog whilst on the move and FB does help share some of our travel tales, but
    once back home, I find it helps keep the memories alive by posting about my recent stay in beautiful Paris and charming Provence. Enjoy every moment. Joanna

    1. Thank you Joanna. One thing is for sure: I will be going home with enough photos to tell quite a few stories about Old Europe! Have a happy summer!

  18. I've just returned from my holiday to find that you are en vacances too! Hope you are having a wonderful time back 'home' enjoying all those things that you so often miss. By the way, that's a lovely photo of you both in front of La Tour Eiffel in 2006 and what a stunning blue sky!

    1. Bonjour miss b. Thank you for stopping by. You can tell the blog has been "en vacances" as well. This is the longest break I have taken since I started it! I will be catching up, with many stories and photos to share, after I return state side. In the meantime, Facebook has enabled me to stay in touch with many readers. Bon été!


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle