Saturday, July 20, 2013

A European Vacation (part 2)

How I like to start my day sur la Côte d'Azur...
(Photo credit: Chronicles from the shore

Bonjour from Nice! 

How I love this summer ritual and the time spent
in my favorite French city...

This year, things were a bit different. 
Junior was invited to tag along with Maman, you see.

I'd say he made the most of it...

Skateboarding along "La Prom'" (Promenade des Anglais) 
Shooting the Bay of Angels 
Making friends at the Nice Sailing School

Moi? I had fun too. 

This year, there were fewer field trips outside of town, 
but I got to spend quality time with Nissa la Bella
relaxing with a local friend
 or exploring on my own;
walking; shooting; observing from my favorite cafés...

Two friends (and bloggers) pay tribute to a favorite artist...
Nice's M.O.M.A. (Museum of Modern Art) 
The iconic Negresco, the Museum-Hotel...
At the Negresco, even ice cream is elegant...

At times, the weather just got too hot,
or I just got too lazy...
My favorite retreat?
The small apartment we rented in the heart of the Old Town.
The Crow's nest. 
Six flights of stairs to reach the door.
But once there, the terrace. The view. 
I could not get enough.

Le Vieux Nice. The Old Town.
It is my favorite place to stay.
Is it Italy? Is it France?
Who cares. It's Old Europe, and that's good enough.
Sure, there are tourists around.
Restaurants are packed at night.
But real people live there.
There are surprises at almost every turn.

Rue du Malonat, Vieux Nice...
La Dolce Vita on Place Rossetti...
Going down Castle Hill...
Le Chat et la Deuche (2CV)

Once again, I was enthralled by Nice, and its unique beauty;
The light, the colors, that seduced so many before this French Girl.

For at night, the Southern Belle sizzles...

Cours Saleya 
La grande dame of Nice palaces...
Plage Beau Rivage (private beach) 

Yet, daytime offers many grandiose, or picturesque sights...

Le Fast Food de Nice 
Marché Saleya
Nice, le Port...
"Les Pointus," the traditional fishing boats...
Secluded pebble beaches...

Yes, this week has gone by too fast.
It is time to say "Au revoir, à bientôt, Nice."

Tomorrow, Junior and I will board another TGV (high speed train.) 
It will travel south, to Spain's Costa Brava.

One last week of European adventures.
The Mediterranean. Best place to be.
No reliable Wifi connection where we will be staying.
But a few photos posted on French Girl in Seattle's Facebook page.
Finally, back in Seattle, just in time to wrap up July.

Happy summer! Thank you for traveling with us!

Un grand Merci:

A Emer, Rob and the rest of the Irish gang for a wonderful evening al fresco.

A Marie. Nice would not be the same without you, mon amie.

A l'année prochaine.

French Girl * hearts* Nice!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Si tu continues comme ça, 1) je vais avoir les larmes aux yeux; 2) je ne vais pas arriver à gérer tous ceux auxquels tu auras donné envie de venir.. :o)
    J'aime bien l'idée de "fast-food local", je n'avais jamais vu ça sous cet angle! Comme quoi un regard neuf peut apporter beaucoup aux locaux aussi.
    Bonne suite à ton périple, et gros bisous!

    1. Tu vas être occupée, c'est sûr. :-)

      Pour le fast-food: Si ça se mange avec les doigts, et sur un petit bout de comptoir, alors oui, pour moi, c'est du fast-food... Et puis il y a la friture aussi: Ne pas en abuser quand même (comme pour "l'autre" fast-food...)

      Bref, comme d'habitude, un réel plaisir et des tas de souvenirs qui aideront à passer les mois d'hiver au pays des sapins et des montagnes... Gros, gros bisous.

  2. Wish we had stayed and out..lunch.. a short visit..
    You look even younger than last year:)

    Looks like a ball was had.

    1. Now THAT is a nice thing to say. My name is French Girl in Seattle. And I found the fountain of youth in Nice... :-)

  3. What a lovely trip you are having! I can only imagine how hard it must be just thinking about coming back home. Vive les vacances!

    1. Vive les vacances indeed, Nadège! This has been a fabulous trip. Hope you are having a great summer too, either in L.A. or "on the road" somewhere...

  4. It is some fairytale place! Doesn't look real!! Wow!!

    1. It is very real. And not sanitized, like Monaco. Gritty even in parts. That is why I love Nice!

  5. Bonjour Veronique, what a lovely summer vacation. We visited Nice a few years ago. Your photos have brought back memories. Your photos are amazing! Pamela

    1. Thank you very much Pamela. People are pretty unanimous about Nice: It's a great place to be!

  6. Well, it's many years since I last visited Nice and your wonderful photos make me realise that a return trip is long overdue. You are absolutely right though - the colour and the light are just stunning. I can just imaging the intense flavour of those tomatoes in all their irregular shapes and sizes and yes, the ice cream is so elegant! Both you and Junior look like you are having such fun and the Costa Brava next - another treat! Bon voyage!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, miss b. I am glad we agree about Nissa la Bella! Aren't the tomatoes just gorgeous? I had not seen or tasted such excellent produce in a long, long time. Junior and I ate so much FRUIT this week. We have stocked up on vitamin, certainly, and not just the "D" type :-) Happy summer.

  7. Oh, just a bit of envy here as I read about your summer stays, French Girl. '-) We've spent some delightful vacations in Nice, and have a trip planned in 2014. Glad you are having a grand time.

    1. So happy you will be returning in 2014 Sarah. The good thing about being from Texas is that you will have no problem getting used to the heat! Happy summer to you!

  8. Chère Véronique!

    Nice, c'est la ville ou j'ai commencée mes grands aventures en France. Je n'oublierai jamais les gens, les villas, les marchés et la petite école où j'ai assistée. Comme d'habitude, j'attends avec impatience de lire ton prochain billet. BISES! Anita

    1. Bonjour Anita. Commencer tes aventures françaises à Nice Etait une excellente idée. Tant de personnes découvrent la France à Paris... J'espère que tu pourras y revenir un jour...

  9. Wow! I heart Nice too Veronique, just by looking at all of your splendid photos. That view is to die for. And your breakfast. Your croissant looks melt in one's mouth! I think it will be difficult for you to return to Seattle? Silly question. :) You could always extend your European vacation?

    1. I will not answer your question, Mary :-) No, I can't extend my European vacation, this time at least. It will be 4 weeks soon, so we made the most of it. I will be seeing my friends in Seattle soon. I hope summer is going well for you too. The weather has been gorgeous in the Pacific Northwest apparently.

  10. A Veronique

    The last image speaks volumes. Your happiness radiates. I love Nice and any city where "the real people" as you say live. Junior will have fond memories
    Enjoy your week in Espagna


    1. Merci, dear Helen. Yes, Nice has been my "happy place" for a while now. I am lucky I have one. And it is not that difficult to reach. Take care.

  11. You look so happy and relaxed. But of course!

  12. Dearest Véronique,
    You look so happy and young! This shows that you certainly were in your elements and who would not be? What a colorful and vibrant city. Even the topless sun bathers made me feel homesick for Old Europe... Such different culture!
    Enjoy your last leg of the journey together.

  13. It does look lovely Veronique and I'm quite jealous! How nice for you that your son was with you this time. Enjoy Spain!

    1. Thank you Craig. Spain is a great way of wrapping up any trip. I hope you two are holding up ok in Scotland. Thinking about you. :-)

  14. We so love Nice that I am drooling with envy over this post. One of our favorite treats is having a libation at the Grand Dame and that glass of rose makes my mouth water. Look forward to our get-together when you return! xo Jackie

    1. Well I guess we can start with Nice when we finally meet next month :-)

  15. Tu t'épanouies comme une rose à Nice. La ville te va comme une gant élégante.

    Big bisous, ma chère amie, et à très bientôt, M-T

    1. Ooooops....mea culpa, j'aurais dû relire ce que j'avais tapé avant d'appuyer sur "Publish". La ville te va comme un gant élégant.

    2. Bref, Nice me va comme un gant :-) À bientôt M-T...

  16. Fantastic! It looks like you enjoyed every second of Nice! Have fun in Spain :)

    1. Merci Sara Louise. Spain with our folks is a big family tradition. Distance makes it harder, but we have been able to keep it up, give or take a few years.

  17. The colors of Nice are even more varied and brighter than what I remember from the last time we got off the tollway and went down to the sea and spent time in Nice. Most recently, we have just driven past the outskirts of Nice as we headed for various points in Italy. Your pictures makes me want to go and spend some time there. Enjoy your visit to Spain.

    1. You should definitely go back my dear Michel. Nice is worth another visit... Always :-)

  18. How wonderful! I am in awe! Just gorgeous! Thank you for this post!!


  19. You look so happy, chere Veronique!! Now THAT is the litmus test for a fabulous vacation, n'est-ce pas! Love your fantastic photos...
    Nice is a gorgeous lady indeed....La Grande Dame...I hope to visit again for a longer stay next time...
    Enjoy Spain!!!!
    - Irina

    1. I was very happy in Nice, Irina. Always am. It's good to have found a "happy place." Some people never find it...
      So glad you enjoy visiting Nice as well. I believe I have only met *one* person who had negative things to say about Nice-- Then again, that was a negative person who loves to criticize everything and everyone :-)

  20. Quelles photos magnifiques! Elles donnent une si bonne idée de la ville qu'on a l'impression d'avoir fait le voyage avec vous!

  21. Thank you! I enjoyed every photo...Janey

  22. Wow, the photos are "stunning"!! :D :D No, truly, they are gorgeous and it's lovely to live vicariously through you! :)

  23. Oh my goodness! I am thrilled to have discovered your blog today! I am such an ardent "francophile" and I FINALLY got to see Europe this summer and at least got 2 days in Paris! (My father-in-law kindly took us to Europe and I spent as much of my time in Paris wandering the streets and absolutely loving every second of it!) Your blog speaks to my heart and soul! I wlll be a faithful follower! I am so glad to have found you because I live near Seattle as well!

    Merci beaucoup!! kcm

    1. Wow! Looks fantastic! You look totally in your element here. Bravo French Girl. Love this post!!! xo

    2. @ kcm: Thank you so much for your kind words and enthusiasm. I am glad you found me too. I have not been posting as often as I used to, lately. Sometimes, life gets in the way, but you can always visit my archives until the next story. There is a lot of good *stuff* there for francophiles. A bientôt.

      @ Sandy: I WAS in my element, Sandy of the 24 Corners, that's why! :-)


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle