Friday, October 25, 2013

Mademoiselle Plume is back!

Bonjour ! 

This will be a short one. I just have an announcement that will not fail to brighten up your weekend: Mademoiselle Plume, the featherweight French jacket, is back!

"Who?," you ask. Mademoiselle Plume, of course. Don't you remember her? I introduced this chic Parisian girl to you in last fall's fashion post

Mademoiselle Plume and I had just met then.  A year later, she has become a trusted friend; an indispensable accessory; my favorite travel piece (thanks to her companion nylon pouch, she fits inside my carry-on bag;) the classiest, most comfortable, doudoune (puffer coat) I have ever tried on. 

"I don't do puffer coats!" some of you will exclaim. Maybe not, but you have not met Mademoiselle Plume yet... 

Be honest. Tell me: Does this cute, stylish jacket look puffy to you?

I love my 2012 limited edition Plume; her cheekiness; the way burgundy, purple and black blend seamlessly on the sleeves. The cute leather trim around the collar. Oh, and the jacket is reversible too, did I mention it? The black side is perfect to go out in the evening.

The bad news: This model is not available in stores anymore. Dommage.

The good news: Mademoiselle Plume is back this fall, with brand new colors (solid or not,) and a few subtle changes (the stitching, for example.) 

Same Mademoiselle Plume. Even better. And, at under $150, still affordable.

Le Comptoir des Cotonniers and Uniglo has done it again. More details here.

Mademoiselle Plume - Fall 2013 collection

The e-boutique only ships to European countries. Where do you find her? 

More good news headed your way: Le Comptoir des Cotonniers owns several boutiques in New York city. I am sure the sales staff would be happy to assist you and ship Mademoiselle Plume your way if you ask nicely.

So what are you waiting for? Christmas is around the corner (hint! hint!) 

And in case you wonder: No, I do not work for le Comptoir. I just like to share good things with my friends, that's all. 

Je vous en prie. You're welcome.

Before I wrap up this post and sit down with Junior for a fun movie-dinner date (Rebel without a Cause and pizza are on the menu tonight,) I have a special message for a truly special lady. 

The great Catherine Deneuve - "La Reine Catherine" - celebrated her 70th birthday this week. She has graced movie screens around the world for decades. Beautiful and flawless, her acting range and filmography are impressive. She has been the best ambassador France and French cinema could have dreamed of. Today, at 70, she remains "la Grande Catherine," and has a new movie out this month. 

Chapeau. Hats off.

Read the tribute the Huffington Post published this week, here

Joyeux Anniversaire, Madame Deneuve

Bon weekend. A bientôt.


  1. That was a beautiful video. Catherine Deneuve has always been a favourite of mine. I can't believe she's 70, and I'm nearly the same age! Your blog is so delightful and I love the little quilted jacket. Thank you :)

    1. Thank YOU for stopping by and for your kind comment, Jo-Anne. Come back anytime!

  2. Dearest Véronique,
    Sue, Catherine Deneuve has been a very elegant and beautiful woman for decades but she finally too seems to have succumbed to the rescue of plastic surgery:
    Enjoy a happy Saturday evening and happy Sunday!

    1. Bonjour Mariette. Maybe, maybe not. Still, it is so hard to age gracefully when one has been such a big star, for so many years. I'd totally understand if Catherine had decided to get "a little help." It's a personal decision. Madame Deneuve's talent and personality are intact, and that is what I love her for.

  3. I just saw Deveuve in Park Benches & Potiche. She's beautiful, a suberb actress & also has a wonderful sense of comedy in her mature years! The video showed her charm so well. Thank you...

    1. I adored her in "Potiche," and the way she made fun of herself, and her image as a glamorous woman (the intro scene when she jogs in the park in a red jump suit... Pure genius!) Deneuve has often been cast in dramatic roles because of her cold beauty, but she is a very funny actress. My favorite Deneuve movie was shot in the 1970s with Yves Montand: "Le Sauvage." Her rebellious nature was in full display-- and she was, of course, gorgeous. Try to find it if you have not seen it yet.

  4. C'est pas possible! 70? Quels sont les secrets des française? Et ce petit veste me plaît, voilà! C'est parfait et pas du tout gonflé comme les autres sortes de vestes! Véro! Merci d'étre venue chez moi. Ma mère est morte il y a 27 ans, mais l'art de vivre et de mourir sont de beaux sujets pour l'écriture car il faut approfondir notre existence, n'est-ce pas?

    Je t'embrasse fort et bonne semaine! Anita

    1. Je t'en prie Anita. Je suis toujours ravie de te rendre une petite visite... Tes billets sont un délice pour les yeux... et beaucoup plus poétiques que les miens :-) A bientôt. Bonne semaine à toi aussi.

  5. I have to agree this jacket does not look puffy. ;-)
    Happy Birthday to the beautiful Catherine.

    1. Dearest Sarah, I am glad you agree :-) Isn't Mademoiselle Plume *just* adorable?! :-) Thank you for stopping by, as always. Bonne semaine in Texas.

  6. I love that jacket. It looks so warm and cozy. I wish I had the money to make the investment. I normally complain about three figure prices on clothing, but even I have to admit that for a good fall/winter item, it really is worth it. That's the type of jacket you have and wear all season and keep for years. You know?

    And I had no idea Catherine was 70! She's the same age as my dad. He turns 70 in a few months. For some reason, because I've seen her in so many b&w photos, I pictured her as being older. Like a golden era movie star. Well for her age, she looks pretty fantastic. Still a beauty in every sense of the word.

    1. Merci for your visit, Jenny. You're right: Mademoiselle Plume is a great investment. She has been my sidekick most days these past two weeks, and I live in Seattle! Maybe you should add her name to the list you are sending to Santa this year. You never know... :-)

  7. I bought a similar jacket a couple of years ago, a Danish brand, in a neutral taupe colour which is so versatile. So light yet so warm, it's the most useful jacket I've bought. I like your burgundy combination and Le Comptoir des Cotonniers is a store I discovered a good few years ago. This year I came across a London branch too. As for Catherine Deneuve, I can't believe she's seventy!

    1. Merci miss b. I would love to see a pic of *your* Mademoiselle Plume. She sounds lovely :-)

  8. I adore Mme. Plume! Thank you for posting, I missed the first introduction!

    1. You're welcome. Melle Plume is a hit wherever I go, I must say. She's just such a cheerful little gal! :-)


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle