Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A quick Bonjour and a Giveaway...

Bonjour les amis, 

I have missed you, faithful readers. Thank goodness, many of you are now following French Girl in Seattle on Facebook, where I steal a few minutes each day to post news, photos and observations about la Belle France. I must say I have a lot of fun there, with 820+ francophile friends. Please join us when you can.

This week, we covered French president Hollande's trip to Washington DC. There were a few [unintended] comical moments...

Tall American woman meets short French guy, with tall American guy *supervising*

It was difficult to know what serious topics, if any, the American and the French presidents covered during their meetings. It seems they spent a lot of time exchanging jokes; or pretending they can speak each other's language (they can't.) That is, at least,  what the presidents (the tall one, the short one,) and the media decided to show us.

It does not matter anyway, because it seems that everyone was mostly interested in answering two questions: 

1. What was Michelle Obama going to wear during the event (She passed with flying colors, thanks to designer Caroline Herrera.)  

2. Who was going to sit next to President Hollande who - the horror! - was traveling solo, during the official state dinner. 

Talk show host John Stewart is not in American History books yet, but he should be. He offered an excellent take on the media circus surrounding the French prez' visit to Washington D.C. -- John, you crack me up. You are everything that is good, smart and sane, in today's media. 

Watch the clip here. You won't regret it! (and yes, it is worth putting up with that obnoxious commercial at the beginning.)

But I digress.

The reason I came back here for a short visit has nothing to do with Washington D.C., President Hollande, or Michelle's wardrobe. 

I received a special invitation this week, you see. You may remember I acted as a critic during the 2013 Seattle International Film Festival... As a result of the movie reviews I wrote last spring, and the constant cinematic references in my blog posts, the word is out:  French Girl in Seattle loves movies!

A few days ago, I was contacted by the Seattle Jewish Film Festival

They offered me free tickets to see two new French movies! I would love to watch and review them on the blog, but I have another commitment on March 2. Hint: This has to do with the 86th Academy Awards (movies, always movies...) 

My loss. Your gain. 

We are having a Giveaway chez French Girl in Seattle this week. If you live in the Seattle area, and are interested in seeing one of these shows, leave a comment here, or on the blog's Facebook page. Bonne chance!

Here is our selection:

  • The Jewish Cardinal (Le Métis de Dieu,) by Duran Cohen; the real-life story of Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger. The movie has raked multiple Awards at independent film festivals over the world. Read an excellent review and watch the trailer here.
Sunday March 2, 2014
AMC Pacific Place, Seattle, WA.
Time: 5:00pm
Two free tickets.

  • Friends from France (Les Interdits,) by Anne Weil and Philippe Kotlarski; two French cousins cross the Iron Curtain and travel to Russia in the 1980s to support Jewish dissidents. Road movie? Love story? Political film? See it to find out. Read a review here

Sunday March 2, 2014
AMC Pacific Place, Seattle, WA.
Time: 8:30pm
Two free tickets.

Send a message if you are interested. Until next time, thank you for reading. 

A bientôt.


  1. I was laughing out loud when I saw the John Stewart clip you posted earlier on Facebook. I miss french movies so much, particularly the good ones; I hope someone will jump on the opportunity to get your tickets.
    I think you meant to write March 2 and not December 2. Am I wrong?

    1. I tell you, Nadège. If Jon Stewart lived in France, they would give him the Legion of Honor (or would send him away to la Bastille... uhhh... to a faraway island...)

      I miss French movies too, but am very fortunate to receive the best French releases sent by my wonderful relatives twice a year; and I also subscribe to TV5 Monde. Sometimes, they get really good ones.

  2. OMG, that John Stewart clip cracked me up - and it is so true, isn't it? I quite don't understand why they bother so much about stuff like this here in the States, it is so not important.
    I miss European movies - French, German, Italian, Scandinavian. There is such a rich movie culture here that we never hear about in the States. Same with books...

    1. Dear Carola. They bother about "stuff like that," all over the place, not just in the US. France is no exception. Apparently the "dumbing down of the Western World," has already started, with the help of international media. Sad. But we can count on Jon Stewart to keep us all on our toes when we need it the most :-)

  3. I've never heard about those movies in France! I'm not sure that the idea of "Jewish" movies would be accepted here. A movie is a movie , no matter who made it.
    About the presidential trip, all is said in your first pic : the guy is too small, as well inside than outside..:o)
    Hope someone will win the tickets!
    Bises et bonne semaine!

    1. Bonjour Marie. Film Festivals in the US often have a theme: Jewish movies; independent movies; French movies and so forth. France does that too: American Film Festival in Deauville, for example.

      I see the French president still has not grown on you. He probably never will :-)

  4. I chuckled when I read your caption below the first photo! Michelle Obama certainly looks stunning in the rich cobalt blue and black gown. As for the Giveaway, what a pity I live so far away! I would have been delighted to watch either one of these French films. Tant pis! I shall have to see if I can get them on DVD.

    1. Bonjour miss b. Oui, Michelle Obama était superbe. The Obamas are a truly elegant couple.

      I am not sure who is going to win the free tickets. I know most of my Followers are not from Seattle... Wait and see... Ok. Heading over to your blog now to see what you have been up to :-)

  5. Thanks for sharing the John Stewart Clip! So true in the US and in France where suddenly "homme alone" is all the media talked about for weeks!

  6. Well, now that the matter has been discussed in depth (and more) around the world, I hope we can all move on with our lives and start focusing on other topics. After all, there ARE more important things happening even in my neighborhood, or yours, I am certain. :-)

  7. Les chefs d'état (et leurs épouses) s'habillent quand même d'une drôle de façon.

    1. Très juste. Déjà que la fonction n'est pas terrible, s'il faut en plus se farcir la garde robe... :-)

  8. Haha! The Jon Stewart vid. was great! Had me in stitches. They made such a big deal about it. I've gone to the movie by myself and I got so much grief for it. Lol I'm due to watch a French film. :) Maybe you can give us some advice on which ones.:)

  9. What a wonderful give-a-way . . . and congratulations to whoever may become the lucky winner :)
    I haven't visited in quite a while and just wanted to stop by and see how my Seattle bound french girl was doing. Spring is such a beautiful time of the year in Seattle. Steve and I will be celebrating your 38th anniversary on April 2nd . . . we honeymooned in Seattle and it was so lovely :)
    Here's hoping that you will be posting some sailing photos soon and that your weather is sunny and warm.
    Keep Smiling,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
    P.S. this is not a request to enter the give-a-way . . . we may not make it back over the mountains for another year or so. I just wanted to say "Hi!"


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle