Thursday, December 23, 2010

Joyeux Noël!

Another busy day in the City of Light. The snow came back but did not stick, at least downtown... We are truly getting a 'white Christmas' in Paris this year!

Today, I caught up with friends of mine, Olivier and Zohra. We met in the late 1980s when we all worked for American Express France. Even though Zohra and I have stayed in touch and hooked up over the years, here or in the States, I had not seen Olivier since he visited us in Seattle in 1996. It was wonderful to spend a few hours together, reminiscing about 'the good old days', sharing stories about common friends, family, and exchanging pictures of our kids. 

"Zouzou" and Véro, deux amies à Paris.
Meanwhile, Junior, Mutti and Le Husband had a fun day of their own, enjoying a Belgian lunch chez Léon de Bruxelles, and spending the afternoon with Le Husband's relatives and their kids.

Junior loves a good Belgian lunch,
Moules-frites (mussels and fries)

For dessert: gauffre au chocolat (chocolate Belgian waffle)

Dans le Métro... 
On the way back to the Parmentier apartment, Junior and his dad made time for a snowball fight... I guess the snow did stick a little in the end! ;-) Junior was so convinced the snow was going to melt that he brought back a big snowball home, rushed to the freezer and left it there!

Get ready Daddy!

Et voilà, papa!
Christmas is just around the corner, and the next two days will be hectic, with two family events, a traditional visit to the best Circus show in the entire universe, and a play at the Théâtre Edouard VII. Quel fun!
Until we chat again, Le Husband, Junior and Moi would like to wish all our friends and relatives un Joyeux Noël! May the Holidays be merry for you!

A bientôt...


  1. Sounds absolutely divine! That tree is gorgeous - is that the entry of the apartment that you are staying in? ;)
    Have a wonderful Christmas mon amie!

  2. Merci Kim! We found this gorgeous tree au Ritz Paris. I was not lying when I wrote the Ritz knows how to do Christmas!


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