Saturday, December 25, 2010

Un Noël parisien... A Parisian Christmas...

The last two days have been a blur, and a lot of fun. We are très fatigués (exhausted), and comfortably tucked away for the night at 77 avenue Parmentier, our home away from home.

Foie gras, Champagne, bûche de Noël, snow, circus, my family, presents, night at the theater, le Husband's family, snowball fight, more champagne, another sleepover for Junior-- not necessarily in that order.

Le Réveillon (Christmas Eve) was cold and windy. We met my brother and his family, following a favorite family tradition: an afternoon show at the famous Cirque d'Hiver (winter circus).  Inaugurated by Napoleon III, the building has entertained several generations of Parisian children and their parents with world-class performances since the mid-19th century. The Bouglione family, one of the oldest and most respected families in the circus world, have been managing the Cirque d'Hiver since 1931! A new show is introduced every fall with weekly (sold out) performances during the winter months. It is a magical place, and Junior and his cousins are lucky children: They have been going almost every year since he was a toddler! 

Old Poster for the Cirque d'Hiver circa the 1900s

Who said the circus is only for kids?
Moi, with Georges,  Le Brother, and Christelle, La S.I.L.

As always, my favorite performance was Joseph Bouglione's
-- the man is a horse whisperer if I ever saw one!

Joseph Bouglione

Thrilling performance by a couple of Spanish funambulists.
  The woman never stopped 'belting out' Spanish songs! Olé!

An amazing group from the Ukraine.
Dancers, and acrobats all at once. 

Once the show was over, we all walked back to avenue Parmentier located just 10 minutes away (did I pick a good location for the apartment or what?) Most of the snow had already melted but that did not stop Le Husband, Le Brother, and Les kids from enjoying an epic snowball fight (they scooped up left over snow on all the cars parked in the street).

Later on, we all drove to the suburbs where my parents had prepared a fabulous feast to celebrate Le Réveillon. There were fresh oysters and as a plat principal (entrée), a chapon (capon) served with roasted chestnuts. Miam! (Yum!)

Finally, Le Père Noël (Santa Claus) showed up and swiftly left a huge pile of presents by the Christmas tree. Great job Santa! My 4 year old nephew Jules was running all over my parents' apartment last night and he never saw a thing!

Hectic present distribution by Junior and les Cousins...
Notice the boys' coordinated shirts "made in the USA"

Jules finds his Buzz Lightyear costume...

Mom and daughter...

Proud grand-parents and grand-kids...
They are finally getting tired!

Our photographe extraordinaire

On Christmas morning, we woke up late and Junior received a special present from his parents. He found out that once he gets home, he will be getting a new furry friend, the hamster he has been begging for since he turned 8! We can't wait to meet "Hammy" (temporary name).

Junior was thrilled to read a note by his new furry friend:
"What are you doing in Paris, dude?
I am waiting for you in Woodinville!"

The weather was cold but blue skies greeted us as we drove to Le Husband's old neighborhood to enjoy Christmas day with Mutti (his mom) and my parents.

Beautiful Christmas lunch table chez Mutti

Foie gras on rye toast as an entrée (first course). Oh, la, la! 

For dessert, a traditional bûche de Noël

Santa's little helper is 'walking the runway'
 while passing out (fancy) presents!

Everyone had a lovely time chez Mutti. Junior will be staying with her until Tuesday morning. On Sunday, they will visit a favorite museum of his: Le Musée de la Marine (Museum of Naval History), another family tradition.

Since the Heir is in capable and loving hands, what are his parents to do, I ask?

A night on the town in a Parisian theatre is just what the doctor ordered. Lucky Moi: I was able to snatch two tickets to a sold out play, featuring Patrick Bruel, a popular (and handsome) French singer and actor. Off we went, and what a smart, entertaining play "Le Prénom" (the First Name) was! This was the perfect way of wrapping up our two-day Christmas family marathon...

Théâtre Edouard VII, near the old Opera house

Patrick Bruel, musician and actor


  1. did you meet patrick? this pohoto is taken by you?

  2. Dear Anonymous. Wish I HAD met Patrick. No, I did not take this picture!


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