Sunday, September 28, 2014

10 reasons Seattle is better than Paris

Seattle Body Art 

The Emerald City vs. the City of Light. They have a lot of things in common these two, and not always good ones. Under *areas for improvement,* I could list their notoriously unpredictable, and depressing weather; traffic; parking; or the cost of living (as anyone trying to invest in real estate in King County, WA, or in downtown Paris can attest.) 

A lot is said, and written about Paris every day, in the social media, or in the press. Seattle may be a popular city, but many don't know much about it outside of the United States. Because I have lived and worked in Paris and Seattle for a long time, I thought it'd be fun to compare them (as much as one can compare cities with populations of 2.2 million and 650,000+)

The results are in: Seattle wins. Here are 10 reasons why Seattle is better than Paris.

#1: Seattle is a natural beauty. 

Paris may have world-renowned architecture, gardens, and urban landscape, it can't rival Seattle's outdoor life and majestic scenery. Everywhere you look, there are mountains, and water. From Mount Rainier (an ancient volcano,) to the Cascades or the Olympic mountain ranges; from the Puget Sound (an inlet of the Pacific Ocean,) to fresh water lakes, Lake Union, or Lake Washington, Seattle is the tree-hugger and outdoorsy type's paradise. Montmartre is a hill, not a mountain, and can you reach the slopes from Paris in less than 45 minutes? Mais non

Mount Rainier, the beloved local peak 
The Puget Sound 

# 2 Commuting is a lot more pleasant in Seattle than in Paris



# 3: Seattle watches better

Parisians, people-watching is not a sport! In Seattle, watching sports has been elevated to an art form. From kid sports (a major weekend activity,) to college or professional teams, Seahawks, Mariners or Sounders; on TV or at the local state-of-the art stadiums, Seattleites' favorite pastime is watching sports. 

Seahawks fans have a name "The 12th Man"

# 4: Had Hemingway known about Seattle's coffee culture, he would have never emigrated to Paris' Left Bank

This is the land of Starbucks. Need I say more? Here, coffee making takes time, creativity and craft. Baristas are smarter than software engineers. They have to, to understand local customers' challenging orders. "Can I get a 3-shot, non-caffeinated, half and half, non-fat, small moka latte, without the chocolate... but put some whip on top?" -- After such an order, you hope most people remember to say "please."

The original Starbucks store at Pike Place Market
The perfect café Latte (a local favorite)

# 5: Forget macarons, pains au chocolat and tarte Tatin: Seattle does sweets better!

Molly Moon's all organic, all local, all "green" ice cream has longer lines than the Ile St Louis' Berthillon. That's proof, right?


Forget fancy French pastries when you visit the Puyallup Fair - don't bother pronouncing it, just follow your GPS there - and sample a Funnel cake!

Yum. No doggie bag necessary, I am sure!

# 6: Seattle rules at salmon breeding/protecting/catching/cooking

Ever tried fishing in the Seine river? All you will catch is an old Louboutin shoe, the occasional [ugly tourist] corpse, and millions of silly little keys left behind by visitors after they hooked their love locks to Parisian bridges.

Well... In Seattle, you catch the most fabulous salmon. King Salmon, Sockeye, Coho, the list never ends. Salmon is on every menu in the Emerald City (except in coffee shops, because they have figured out that salmon lattes do not taste as good as pumpkin lattes.) Seattleites love salmon so much they built a fish ladder where local kids and their parents can watch the brave fish struggling against the current on their way in and out of town. 

Budding environmentalists wishing salmon "Bon Voyage" at the Fish Ladder 

Flying salmon (it does exist, in Seattle) is a big attraction at Pike Place Market!

#7: Forget Paris-Plages. Seattle has a real sand beach!

The first settlers landed in West Seattle, on Alki Beach. The rumour has it it was pouring down that day. Not to worry. They were a tough bunch. Today, only locals, tourists, and pirates, visit the beach. If only the Puget Sound was not so darn cold, we could almost swim there!

Alki Beach
Pirates landing on Alki Beach during SeaFair. Arrrgghhh!

#8: Parisians are too uptight. Seattleites are more relaxed.

It is not known who introduced flannel to Seattle. Doomed artist Kurt Cobain? Vampire covens tucked away on the Olympic Peninsula? No matter. Seattleites fight the constant dampness with fleece, and weatherproof clothing brands such as The North Face or Columbia. Forget Paris' les Galeries Lafayette or le Bon Marché! Locals shop at R.E.I., major purveyor of everything Northwest. 

REI: Temple of Northwest Style

#9: Paris dwells too much on the past. Seattle looks ahead.

Old Bridges. Gallo-Roman ruins. Time to dust things off, Paris: Urban planning in Seattle includes flexibility, and a willingness to move with the times. Out with the old, in with the new! Heck, after a devastating fire in the 19th century, the original city of Seattle had to be raised up by a couple of floors once it was discovered the city had been built on tidelands, and toilets often backed up at high tide! Not to worry. As explained in the fascinating Seattle Underground tour, the whole city was rebuilt, and elevated. It's amazing to visit Seattle's underground passageways today and realize those old tunnels, and windows, were once at street level! 

Seattle's Underground Tour: A must-see local attraction

Today, the urban-planning tradition à la Seattle endures. People are getting tired of this eye-sore known as the Alaskan Viaduct? Let's tear it down and reclaim Seattle's waterfront. The 520 bridge is unsafe? Let's raise funds and build a new bridge. 

Seattle's answer to Paris' la Tour Montparnasse: The Alaskan viaduct
The soon-to-be replaced 520 Evergreen Bridge
(Would you look at the gorgeous weather?)


#10: Seattleites are quirkier

They are a liberal bunch. They are pretty accepting of other people's quirky ways (unless said other people are conservatives.) They will do anything to save the planet. They are strangely attached to a bunch of interesting characters and places...

Paris thinks Love Locks are a problem:


Paris is lucky not to have to deal with Seattle's Gum Wall:


Somewhere in Seattle, there is giant troll, tucked away under a bridge. He is friendly and often poses for photos. (I personally believe he is just hiding from the rain, and like most Seattleites, hates using an umbrella.) 


In the same neighborhood, one can see a giant space rocket that points at the sky but never really goes anywhere. And a giant statue of Lenin, that is allegedly for sale, but nobody except Bill Gates could afford it, and besides, everyone has too much fun hanging out with old Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

Lenin and his friends

Well, in case you are not convinced yet that Seattle is better than Paris, consider this: Paris has the Eiffel Tower, but Seattle has the Space Needle. Even if they were both built to celebrate World Fairs, Elvis Presley only visited one of them and even shot a movie there. 

That's Elvis, and the Space Needle! 

In fact, some say Elvis has never left the building.

A bientôt.

Photo credits: 
Wikipedia Commons, unless otherwise noted 
-- French Girl in Seattle


  1. I love Seattle....lived there in my teens, and the moved to Nothern Ca. Then then settle in Southern Ca.
    I so miss Seattle, would move back in a minute. But I do lové France as well, Seattle feels like home.

    Wonderful post.



    1. You may miss Seattle Doré, but I bet you do not miss the rain! ;-)

  2. Hello Veronique

    I love your witty and informative comparison of two great cities. Well done.


    1. Merci beaucoup, chère Helen. Witty is my nickname, as you know ;-)

  3. This is fun Veronique... I have never been to Seattle, but I believe you... :)

    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence, Vicki. You will have to come out and check things out for yourself one day. Hope life is good in Provence...

  4. The commuting photos are enough to convince anyone that Seattle is better than Paris! :)

    1. I thought so too, Jenn. I am very sad that in all my years here, I have never had a chance to commute on the WA State Ferries, "à la Michael Douglas," in the movie "Disclosure" ;-(

  5. Really fun reading that, me what's best about Seattle is the "Sleepless" film and the WA islands.... Did you know that San Francisco (where I lived for 20 years) is a Paris sister city? I'd have trouble choosing which is best considering those both. Cheers!

    1. Bonjour Suzanne. I almost mentioned the Sleepless in Seattle movie, but it might have been overkill. We need to give other cities a chance to compete with the Emerald City, don't we?

  6. Tu dis ça, mais en fait, comme tout le monde, tu préfères Paris !

  7. V I couldn't wait to read this post-It was so entertaining as well as educational-I have never heard of the underground passages before-that is so cool. I have never been to your neck of the woods-I like the outdoors but am definitely a city girl who loves her coffee...I would love to spend some time discovering this part of the US. As ALWAYS a great post-You are so good at what you do here-love being a reader of yours-as you know! Have a wonderful week-I am recovering from having all the windows replaced in our home-now its the put back time-ugh-henceforth the lag in reading/commenting-till next time

    1. Bonjour g, and many thanks for the compliments. I know you like it here, because you are one of my most faithful readers - I believe you found me during my first blogging trip, in Paris, December 2010! Wow. How time flies. You will definitely have to come out here one day. It is truly a beautiful area, and thank goodness - since I do not care for snow or rainy weather - we have all these wonderful coffee shops, the flying salmon, and the Troll. The troll is really cool. Straight out of a Harry Potter book! Take care, Philadelphia friend.

  8. Ah, this makes me miss Seattle all the more. I keep wadding in the nostalgia of the two great years we lived in Redmond. And what's more, I embraced the rains too! :-)

    1. I will believe this when I know where you live now, Suman! ;-)

  9. What a wonderful post, ma grande. As you know, Monsieur Dan was stationed in nearby Tacomah during his military service many, many moons ago, and we have visited Seattle many times, mostly for the fabulous Wagner "Ring Cycle" operas that they perform that I will stack up against any we have seen, and we have seen more than a dozen complete Cycles all over the world. Pike Street Market is just a joy, and I have such fond memories of a wonderful lunch w/you. Hopefully soon again???? Or in NY???

    All that said, however, Paris will always be my first love. It holds my heart. Just ask Monsieur Dan. His love affair w/Paris was a coup de foudre and he is still a faithful lover.

    Gros bisous, M-T

    1. Merci M-T. Oui, great memories of our delicious lunch chez Café Campagne (and New York City's Benoît!) Looking forward to the next one!

  10. I would compare Seattle -- which I have only visited, but many times -- to Rouen or Caen, but not to Paris. Even San Francisco, where I lved for more than 15 years, is a ville de province compared to Paris, with its long history and international status. De beaucoup de points de vue, Paris est le centre du monde.

    1. Point taken, Ken, but this French Girl - as mentioned in the blog title - lives in Seattle, and hails from Paris so I had to make it work ;-) And you are right, it is hard to compete with Paris, but so much is written about the French capital every day. It seemed like a fun idea to give Seattle a bit more attention, for once. Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Don't get me wrong, I loved going to Seattle to eat oysters, have dinner at Campagne, and shop at Sur la Table. Those were great days.

  11. What a great post! I don't know how I missed this... I have never been to Seattle, nor Paris , so thank you for the photo tour.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the tour, Penny! You need to visit Seattle AND Paris soon so you can decide ;-)

  12. I found your blog while visiting Chezloulou. We met her while visiting Languedoc and hope to catch up with her while she is in Normandy. Your blog is great, love the comparison's of Seattle and Paris. I live in Shoreline and have been to Paris several times, love both cities. I'm planning on trying The Hollywood School Bistro in Woodinville, it looks fun.
    dj in Shoreline


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle