Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fromage is cheese in French

It's all Rick Steves' fault. Or should I say: It all happened thanks to Rick Steves?

On Saturday morning, I headed to Edmonds, WA, where I had reservations for a two-hour talk by Rick. Edmonds is his hometown, and the world headquarters of fast growing Rick Steves Europe. Rick has always lived and worked there. That's something incroyable for someone like me; who lived all over France with my family before I finally emigrated to the United States twenty years ago. 

Rick, of course, spends a good part of the year traveling. So, who could refuse a free, two-hour presentation (complete with a slide show,) where he shares his latest European travels? I - and the many people crammed in the old Edmonds theater, most of them "Rickniks" - were not disappointed. The two hours turned into almost three as Rick took us through Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, the UK, Switzerland, Germany, Eastern Europe, and more. It was almost like being there. 

One thing led to another, and by the time I left early afternoon, Rick's many photos of glorious European food specialties, restaurants and outdoor street markets, had made me ravenous. I headed home, and almost immediately, spotted a fancy supermarket on the side of the road. I decided that, in order to keep with the European theme, I was going to have a special celebration that evening. I left the store with a big paper bag full of goodies. My wallet, of course, felt a lot lighter. Have you noticed how expensive European - and French - food specialties are, in the United States? I decided I would have a special dinner, the same one I enjoyed with my girlfriends while working in Paris. That dinner, bien sûr, involved cheese and wine. Why waste time with superfluous stuff? Just go to the essentials!

It's no secret the French love their fromage. Cheese is an integral part of French life; the French culture; and even the French language.

President Charles de Gaulle famously expressed his frustration with the French by declaring: 

"Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays qui a 246 variétés de fromage?"
(How can you govern a country with 246 varieties of cheese?"

Credit: Unknown

Le Général had a point. 

In daily life, when confronted with someone prone to exaggeration, and who has a tendency to make things sound worse than they are, a Frenchman might say: 

"Pas la peine d'en faire tout un fromage!
("No need to make cheese out of butter!" - a time-consuming process) 

Credit: Unknown

Another Frenchman might confide that he managed to convince someone to agree with him "entre la poire et le fromage;" (between pear and cheese,) referring to the relaxing time at the end of the French meal, when the cheese course is served and a pause is made before enjoying dessert. 

Credit: Moya

It turned out I had pear, and fromage for my celebration, and even an unexpected dessert. The only thing I could not find was my beloved baguette. Call me a French snob, but I'd rather do without bread than bite into that bland, colorless, chewy, baguette ersatz sold in many American supermarkets and even some local *French* bakeries. I figured if Parisians could survive four years of German Occupation without basic necessities, I can survive a few dinners without baguette. When in Rome... expats show flexibility.

The fun part was unpacking les victuailles (the good stuff.) Then, I picked my accessories carefully. Presentation matters. I give you, les amis, the recipe for a delicious and utterly enjoyable French cheese dinner... 

First, one needs a beautiful plateau à fromage, cheeseboard, or cheese tray. 

Let's not forget cheese knives, les couteaux à fromage, ideally one for les pâtes dures (hard cheese,) and one for les pâtes molles, (soft cheese.)  

Then, some pretty cheese plates, les assiettes à fromage. Mine were a gift from my mother-in-law. They were made in Paris many years ago, and the brand is Porcelaine d'Auteuil. French China at its finest. 


We need un bon vin. Sorry to disappoint you, but this French Girl doesn't know much about wine. I do, however, know French wines I really like. Le Cahors is one of them. 

My cheese selection for the petite party? Voilà, complete with cheese markers (I found them in Napa Valley, CA during my birthday celebration last spring and have been dying to use them...) 

A nice mixture of pâtes dures, pâtes molles, and pâtes persillées. Du Roquefort, of course, which I had to prepare the way my grandfather always did, a process involving salted French butter (Thank you, Albertson's for selling the excellent Beurre Président at such an affordable price!) 

Ready for the Roquefort-A-la-Georges-Cauquil-Senior? Here it is: 

Prepare equal parts of softened butter and Roquefort cheese, like so...

Combine cheese and butter to make a paste. Spread on baguette, or if stranded in [American] suburbia, on crackers. Enjoy!

Miam. Salted butter and cheese: How bad can that be?

What about dessert, some of you might ask? Well, it turns out I received one of my beloved care packages from France yesterday (I have wonderful parents!) I decided les fraises Tagada might have clashed with Monsieur Roquefort and his friends. Les Rocher Suchard, on the other hand, were the perfect match!

My friends will forgive me. I did not call them to share this feast. They know there will be other opportunities to enjoy a Dîner vin-fromage chez moi... Bon appétit, French Girl in Seattle !

A bientôt.

Thank you to Rick Steves, 
for sharing so much information and knowledge with such enthusiasm; 
for inspiring so many great trips and dreams; 
You have been my favorite link to Europe for almost twenty years.

All photos by French Girl in Seattle, unless otherwise noted.
Please do not use, reprint, or Pin without permission


  1. We save the cheese and wine nights for special occasions, mostly because the lightness of the wallet factor here in the US. Thankfully we have a good French bakery somewhat close, and when the occasion does arrive we splurge on a good baguette as well. Your post today seems to have created a special occasion to celebrate, wink, wink!

    1. So happy this modest story inspired a fun evening chez toi, Liene. Hope that baguette was crusty, and the cheese was flavorful and *fragrant!*

  2. Love rick Steve's! And I could not agree with you more, there's no better dinner than wine and cheese!

    1. Bonjour Elizabeth. Rick has many fans, and his success is well-deserved. When I miss Europe and France too much, I head to Edmonds, WA, for a short visit at his fabulous travel store. A bientôt.

  3. Love the dinner you prepared. We are much the same when thinking Greece, France, Italy or Spain - pull out the dishware, then open the wine and have a taste of our travel memories . . .sadly, you hit the nail on the head about the cost of the cheeses.. .

    1. Bonjour Jackie. It's only money. Sometimes one has to splurge on the good things in life, especially if they bring back happy memories, don't you think? :-)

  4. Wine. Butter. Cheese. Nothing wrong with that. What a perfect dinner, Veronique! I do love my fromage, wouldn't mind a little for breakfast this morning. Glad you got to dine on a little bit of Paris.

    I've been sketching away on your project, playing with composition. As soon as I have a few favorites I'll send them your way.

    Happy Monday! XO

    1. Bienvenue Jeanne. I can't wait to see what you come up with for my little project! We will need to meet and celebrate when this is all over, at long last. We are just separated by a lake, after all ;-)

  5. you know v I can get a bit word-ey when I converse here but tonight I am speechless because I am salivating at the photos of the scrumdelishious FEAST you prepared! chin chin as I raise my glass to yours!! AS ALWAYS A PURE DELIGHT!

    1. My dear g, so glad you enjoyed my *scrumdelishious* photos (Right about now, JK Rowling is sorry she did not think of this word when she wrote the Harry Potter series...) -- And I am raising my glass to yours in return. Santé, mon amie de Philadelphie!

  6. Love RIck, too, lucky you! And your selections. Fortunately, we have an excellent baker from Brittany here on the Monterey Coast who makes the most delicious bread. Also loved seeing the vibrant red and the beautiful rock in your photos...! Looks very French!

    1. Bonjour Suzanne. Thank you for stopping by. A baker from Bretagne? Now I am really jealous!

  7. Dear Veronique

    It must have been delightful hearing Rick in person and then to rejoice in dining on your favourite food. You have made me hungry and now I must go and get some cheese.
    Great images.
    Helen xx

    1. Thank you very much Helen. Always a treat to welcome you chez moi. Hope life is good in Florida. The rain is back in Seattle, which had to happen, sooner or later. We almost forgot what it felt like after this long, hot summer! Take care.


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle