Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 begins in my Happy Place...

(Photo credit:

Bonjour 2014 ! Bonne année, les amis !

Another year of blogging starts this month...

Junior and I were alone during the second half of the Holidays.
He had to work on a school project for National History Day. 
But we took quality breaks to enjoy the cold, sunny weather.

This weekend, we drove to my favorite local town, Edmonds, WA. 
I have written about it before, remember?

Edmonds is my Happy Place. I return often, and this friendly locale always cheers me up.

This time, the budding photographer and I took a long walk on the bluff, 
overlooking the Puget Sound.
It was a perfect day; the weather sunny and crisp (ok, cold!) 

Follow us, let's leave downtown and head for the water. 
That's the WA. Ferry terminal and the mighty Puget Sound 
you see in the distance...

As you get close to the water, there's a peaceful street. 
It is lined with pretty bungalows, some quite old.
There are sidewalks, where locals walk their dogs.

There are benches, where one can rest; 
take in the splendid Northwest views; dream or meditate...

Their name was Lamoureux, and they were in love until the end: Perfect!

Everywhere you look, especially on such a glorious day, endless vistas...
The Olympic Mountains; the Puget Sound; 
the Olympic Peninsula and Whidbey Island in the distance...

Young photographer, shooting away (with a film camera, always!) 

Let's head down to the beach...
Even on such a cold day, we spot a group of divers;
 exploring the renowned Edmonds Underwater Park, a marine preserve and sanctuary...
They are crazy, bless their souls. The Puget Sound must be frigid this time of year!

It is hard to picture the magnificent Edmonds shoreline
 lined with fourteen saw mills, spewing dark smoke into the sky.
But that's the way things were in the late 1800's.
Today, mills have been replaced by promeneurs (walkers;) dogs; 
and the occasional seagull...

It is really too cold. Let's head back into town...
What should we do first? Lunch chez Chanterelle, a local favorite?
A visit to an art gallery or a boutique?
Choices abound. Strolling is always an option.
Everyone walks in Edmonds. This ain't suburbia, you know!


Yes, people stroll in Edmonds.
It's *almost* like in Europe.
And talking about Europe, a visit to Edmonds is not complete without...
... a stop at my friend Rick Steves' Travel Center
Junior had never been. He was impressed.
It was quiet chez Rick on Saturday. 
Was there a Seahawks game? I have no idea...
(best time to do fun stuff in Seattle is during Seahawks games, 
when everyone else is glued to their TV sets...) 

At the Travel Center, the atmosphere was relaxed, yet studious...
European travel is serious business, folks!

The Rick Steves library: Almost as cozy as your family room!

We left quietly, trying not too disturb the few "RickNiks" present...

A bientôt, Rick. See you soon, Edmonds.

A bientôt, les amis.

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  1. Haaa.. voilà un grand , beau et bon bol d'air pour commencer l'année!
    J'avoue que j'adore quand tu nous montres là où tu vis, moi je trouve cette région juste magnifique!
    et ce ciel bleu! C'est moi qui vais finir par émigrer, ici tu serais déçue, pluie non stop quasiment depuis Noel, le monde à l'envers! Mais bon, moi j'aime..:o)
    M'autorises tu à utiliser la jolie photo que tu m'as envoyée,et pour laquelle je te remercie , sur mon blog, avec un lien vers le tien? J'adore ces bancs-souvenirs, et celui-là est particulièrement joli!
    J'espère que cette année a bien commencé pour toi! Et que le projet de Junior sera successful!
    Bises et à bientôt!

    1. Merci de ta visite Marie. J'avoue avoir pensé à toi en publiant les photos de ce billet :-)
      Si tu aimes la pluie, alors, c'est sûr, quitte Nice et émigre à Seattle. Tu seras servie ! Les belles journées sont rares en cette saison, d'où cette expédition avec Junior. Il ne fallait pas tâter ça !

      Et oui, bien sûr que tu peux utiliser la photo du banc. Elle t'a été dédiée après tout ! Même Junior connaît ton blog "Special Bancs…"

      Bisous. Et n'oublie pas le parapluie à Nice !

  2. Une petite ville américaine, telle qu'on l'imagine, quand on n'est jamais allé aux USA et qu'on lit les livres de Russel Banks ou Hillary Waugh.

    1. C'est exactement ça Alain. 18 ans aux Etats-Unis. La réalité ne ressemble pas toujours à ce que l'on s'imagine en France, dans un sens ou dans l'autre, mais les petites villes comme Edmonds ne déçoivent jamais. Elles sont malheureusement assez rares. Le concept urbain aux USA, surtout dans la banlieue, est moins romantique, et la voiture indispensable. Bonne semaine et merci de votre visite.

  3. Lovely, Veronique. Looks like a perfect start to the new year. Isn't it wonderful that we have all these beautiful spots to visit in the Pacific Northwest? I hope that 2014 proves to be a good year for you and Junior - full of fun, adventures and growth. Best to you both! XOXO

    1. Merci beaucoup Jeanne. I wish you a wonderful new year as well. I know you have a fun trip coming up, lucky girl!

  4. Oh so beautiful! I can almost smell the clear fresh air. And look at junior! He's passed you up!

    1. He certainly has, Connie. That was meant to happen. I do not mind walking around with such a tall handsome fellow, however! :-)

  5. Dearest Véronique,
    Junior is growing taller and taller..
    Surprising how green the grass still looks for this time of the year in some of your photos. Here it is all brown... dreary and drab looking.
    Edmonds looks really like a European town. Enjoy your winter and stay warm and cozy.

    1. I feed the child well, Mariette. Even if it's just the two of us, he still gets home-cooked meals most days of the week. :-) Feed them, and they will grow! Happy New Year to you!

  6. I too love Edmonds Veronique. I did my coaches training there and it was such a treat! Let's grab lunch at Chantrelle sometime in the next few weeks?

    1. Going back to school AND in Edmonds? Lucky girl, Anne! Yes we will meet at Chanterelle's. It's an excellent idea. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Have always loved Edmonds! After Seattle, it is my favorite city in Washington. Thanks for sharing your day out and Bonne Année!

    1. Bonne Année Jennifer. So happy you also love Edmonds. That little town is a gem, and there will be more fun times spent there, on the shore, in my future! I will make sure of it... Hugs to la Belle Normandie-- that is where I used to spend my weekends when I lived in Paris! :-)

  8. That was an excellent travel log of Edmonds !

    1. Merci beaucoup Stuart. Bonne semaine, et bonne année!

  9. You just had to write a post with the things I really REALLY miss - beaches, salt water, ferries, little wood houses. Would you believe I even miss the sound of the sea gulls and the smell of the water in the morning.

    Not much of any of these things where I live now but there are other compensations: we had galette for dessert last night (that will put five kilos on you in about five minutes). :-)

    Bonne année, Véronique.

    1. Bonjour Victoria, et bonne année ! Ha. I can imagine that you miss the Edmonds vistas in Versailles. Not quite the same environment, is it? :-)

      Galette des Rois is definitely a great compensation for anything… and you can always walk it off on the Château de Versailles grounds the following morning. Take care.

  10. I love this post-but let's be honest, there isn't a one I don't love-this place could easily be my happy place too-- the bungalows look like our house at the shore-the stores, the food and the outdoor life, plus rick steves info galore-yup love it! BUT MY MOST FAVORITE PART ..... is the picture of you and jr. at the bottom-you look like a young girl and jr well, growing up and quite handsome-a sailor- a photographer -world traveler---gosh quite the resume for a chap his age; ) You know it was a great way to ring in the beginning of a new year....HERE IS TO TURNING THAT PAGE and Beginning a new chapter-may all your heart's dreams and wishes come true dear v !! I hope it with all my heart.

    1. Bonsoir my dear g. *from Philadelphia*! Glad I stopped by and found your comment.

      Thank you for the vote of confidence, and the support, as always. Not so sure I look like a young girl, but I know I look younger than my [many] years :-)

      I agree with you. Time to turn that page, and to write my own story on a blank one. There are many good pages left in my book, and many fun adventures to write about :-) Hugs to you. Stay warm on the East Coast! Brrrrr!

  11. Love this post, said the gal in Camel-by-the-Sea, naturally. And esp the last photo of you with your son. Miss my son soooo much, who lives in Amsterdam. Hugs to you Veronique...may 2014 be an especially wonderful year...

    1. Merci beaucoup Suzanne. Aren't you moving to Europe this year? I thought you were planning to do so...

  12. Hello Veronique

    That looks like a fun filled day. Edmonds will be on my list when I visit Seattle again.

    Junior is very handsome and I would love to see his photos.

    As the saying goes, the apple probably does not fall far from the tree.

    Continued joy and exploring

    1. I will pass on the compliment to Junior, of course, merci beaucoup Helen. Happy New Year to you! I bet it's nice and balmy in Florida right now or has the infamous "Vortex" hit you too?

  13. What a wonderful way to spend the day Veronique.. not only visiting one of your special places but with such a handsome young man :) Your son is growing up oui.. it's amazing how many young people do still prefer to use film, it definitely is more of a challenge, so much more thought has to go into each shot. Perhaps you could do a guest post and we could see some of his work :)

    1. A guest post by Junior: Excellent idea, Grace! He loves landscape photography AND vintage cars. I will mention this to him and see what he says :-) Thank you for your visit. Happy New Year in warm and sunny Australia!


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle