Thursday, December 26, 2013

Joyeux Anniversaire, le Blog !

Cher Blog. Dear Blog.

Three years have gone by since that first story, inspired by a fun evening with my French students. 

Le temps passe. Time flies. 

3 years. 176 posts. Over 535,000 pageviews. Close to 1,000 Followers (my most faithful readers,) here, or on the blog's Facebook page. Many comments - and just as many replies from this French Girl

International friendships, developing over time, and more to come, I hope.

Merci, le Blog

In 2013, I neglected you on occasion. Life caught up with me, and I did not always have the time to research, and write the stories that have become your trademark. But like a true friend, you understood. You stayed by my side, always ready to offer a break; a few hours of escapism, and peace. 

For when I am with you, I forget all that is unpleasant. And I keep coming back for more, every so often, enjoying every minute of the writing process; looking for the perfect photo to illustrate my story. Then I hit the "Publish" button, and in the morning, I discover my readers' comments, with the same enthusiasm I felt three years ago, when we embarked on this adventure. My readers: I am grateful to each and every one of them, and thankful for their support. 

Oui, Joyeux Anniversaire, le Blog !

While visitors' comments provide qualitative feedback, a closer look at Blogger's statistics section confirms what stories have been the most popular; what posts have inspired the most reactions. 

Follow me, my readers, as we revisit stories you may have missed, or forgotten...

Le blog's all time five most popular stories (in pageviews):

If you do not know Mademoiselle Zaz, it is time to look her up. Great voice. Catchy tunes. An electric personality. She made the headlines again this year with a new album and a sold-out tour. 

This may very well be the world's most popular shoe. One of many stories I wrote for the "French Icon series." 

A story inspired by a solo trip a favorite French city, Nice. I have since written several travelogues about Nissa la Bella. 

4. The incredible French waiters (February 26, 2011) 
An oldie, and a goodie. A humorous look at the often-misunderstood French waiter... and valuable travel tips. 

Audrey Hepburn liked it. So did Brigitte Bardot, Marion Cotillard, and the rest of us, when spring returns. Another popular story in the "French Icon series." 

Le Blog's 2013 most popular posts (in pageviews)

If you have been following this blog for a while, you know I love movies. Cinema is my oldest friend. In 2013, more than ever, my favorite movie characters came to the rescue and provided entertainment, strength, and inspiration. In the spring, I was honored to review several new French movies for the Seattle International Film Festival. But my most popular stories were inspired by movie Classics...

Scarlett. Need I say more? 

I moved to this area 19 years ago. It was good to be reminded about the film that started my (and everyone else's) infatuation with Seattle, so long ago.

A new version of the Great Gatsby was released this year, and I loved it! But this post was just an excuse to poke fun at Parisians.

In 2013, my readers also gave the thumbs up to stories about the French way of life. Trying to steer clear of stereotypes, I pointed out trends in French culture that may be surprising to some...

Find out why you do not really need to speak French when visiting my homeland...

It's all about the Am-Ba-Ga (and kale!) in Paris, these days! 

So many new readers found French Girl in Seattle on Facebook this year! They say teenagers have moved on to other social media. Maybe so. The French Girl in Seattle community on Facebook keeps growing, and growing. We started 2013 with fewer than 200 Followers. Today, we have over 640... Build it, and they will come... 

I can't post on the blog every day (mostly because I research my stories and need time to write,) but it is much easier to keep in touch with friends on Facebook. This year, I have enjoyed sharing news, trivia, and photos about la Belle France and the French with all the community members. 

French Girl in Seattle's Facebook page.
Most popular photos:

1. "Le Tout Va Bien" brasserie, Rueil Malmaison, France (posted on September 7, 2013.)
Over 6,000 people saw that photo, *shared* generously by the French Girl in Seattle community. Apparently, everyone enjoys the idea of a restaurant named: "All is well."

(Photo by French Girl in Seattle) 

2. Alcohol... (posted in July 2013.) 
This photo, captured on a walk in Notting Hill last July, reached 2,500 Facebook members. Hmmm... I wonder why...

(Photo by French Girl in Seattle) 

3. "Je porte bonheur" (I am your good luck charm.) 
My readers - many are francophiles - are always interested in learning more about French traditions and holidays. On May 1, I reminded them that my countrymen offer un brin de muguet (Lily of the Valley) to their loved ones to bring them good luck. This post reached over 2,000 Facebook users.

(Author unknown.)

4. Le 14 Juillet (Bastille Day.) 
This photo, taken in Nice, France in July 2012, was a big hit with the French Girl in Seattle community last summer. It reached over 1,800 Facebook users. 

(Photo by French Girl in Seattle) 

5. Food, food, and more [French] food...
Chez French Girl in Seattle, we *love* French food. The next best thing to eating it? Looking at it, of course! Over 1,200 Facebook members saw that photo posted during my European travels last summer.

(photo by French Girl in Seattle) 

It is the Holiday season, and everyone is busy, busy, busy. I hope you are enjoying the time spent with relatives, and friends. 

Yes, the little blog that could has come a long way, and it will continue to entertain you - and me - in 2014. Je croise les doigts. Fingers crossed. 

Please join me in wishing Le Blog a resounding: "Joyeux Anniversaire !" 

To you, mes amis, I wish "Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!" 

Stay tuned in 2014...

A bientôt.

Pike Place Market, December 2013
Le jour... (Day....) 
... la nuit (and night...)
(both photos by French Girl in Seattle) 

All photos unless otherwise noted by French Girl in Seattle
Do not use, reprint, or Pin without Permission.

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  1. Congratulations on your anniversary, Véronique! It was fun to look back as I recall most of these. You are an entertaining writer. I wish you a positive 2014, moving forward with new adventures and continuing to entertain your readers. I'll be following along. ~ Sarah

    1. I am counting on you, dear Sarah. You have been by my side for a long time! Happy New Year to you and yours. A bientôt.

  2. Félicitations! Et tous mes meilleurs vœux de bonheur pour 2014.


    1. Merci beaucoup Victoria. I wish you the same. 2013 was a bit of a bumpy ride, for you and for me, but here's to a BRILLIANT 2014! :-)

  3. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! Even though I am a newer reader, I adore your perspective, your stories and your insights!! I find it so fun to learn about France and it's culture from you (in America) as I write in France on the American perspective. Your posts are insightful, knowledgeable and lots of fun. I have to also tell you I have tremendously enjoyed sharing several of your posts with my daughters. Their favorite was your post about Stromae! (Little note here - my husband is not a huge fan of Stromae - he always loved his music - but after he was educated about the musician by his daughters (from your post) - he has developed an even greater appreciation for the maestro!) Thank you for all your hard work. I hope you get to celebrate you blog anniversary in a fun way. I look forward to reading more in 2014!! Happy Holidays and New Year!!

    1. Merci beaucoup Jennifer. This means a lot to me. I am so glad my modest writings helped your daughters' cause with their Dad :-)

      I will be following your writings as well next year; who knows? If I am ever in the Bordeaux area, we might even get to meet. I would really like that. For now, trying to become certified as an educator in the US; a topic close to your heart, as I recall. Bonne année to you and yours!

  4. Joyeux Anniversaire! I've loved reading "French Girl In Seattle," and always am glad to see a new post from you. Bonne année!!

    1. Merci beaucoup. The feeling is mutual. Excellente année 2014!

  5. Joyeux anniversaire ! May there be many more.

  6. OH V HAPPY and this amazing space are such a part of my week, that I would die- just die- if it went away.....ALL GOOD THOUGHTS FOR 2014-not to mention love and support from your east coast contingent - all the love and energy is so evident-even the other stuff-between the lines and I for one love- adore and crave every bit you have to offer-looking forward to everything LE BLOG will bring us in the new year!-with gratitude and love-

    1. Well, dear g, we do not want you to DIE -- Heaven forbid! I guess I will have to keep on writing, then :-)

      A heartfelt thank you for all your support since those early posts, three winters ago. A heartfelt thank you for your support this year, too.

      I will be looking forward to reading your comments in 2014, as always. Excellente année 2014, "g from Philadelphia," to you, your sister, and all your family.

  7. Happy Anniversary to you and your successful blog! Somewhere I read that it is at the first three years bloggers either bag the effort or move on to even greater efforts. Looks to me like you are definitely headed to even more readers, followers and page views. Look forward to more from you in your delightful blog!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Jackie. It is very much appreciated. You are right: Who knows what lies ahead in 2014, for the blog, and for its author? :-) Let's meet after the Holidays, d'accord? Happy New Year to you, Joel, and those you love.

  8. Joyeux anniversaire Veronique! I takes a lot of time and dedication to write a good blog. That is why yours is so popular. You are a good teacher and wish you lots of luck an happiness in 2014!

    1. Merci beaucoup Nadège. Thank you for all your support this year. We have learned a lot for each other. I particularly enjoyed the last piece of info your forwarded my way (Sherlock-related :-) Excellente année 2014 in sunny Los Angeles!

  9. Dearest Véronique,
    Congratulations on your three year anniversary! One can hardly believe that time is gone but this is great for being able to look back and check what is popular over the years.
    You are so right for all the research and writing; in the end it is VERY rewarding.
    Hugs to you and enjoy your very last weekend of 2013.

    1. Merci Mariette. I have enjoyed our exchanges (and your technical expertise :-) this year, once again.

      Happy New Year to you, in Georgia...

  10. Joyeux Anniversaire Véronique! I hope you've had a beautiful Christmas, and wishing you and yours bonne année!!!

    1. Merci beaucoup Liene, and I wish all the same to you, in North Carolina! Thank you for visiting French Girl in Seattle this year. A l'année prochaine !

  11. Dear Veronique
    Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary. Congratulations on your success and accomplishments. Well deserved.
    Wishing you only goodness in 2014

    1. Many thanks, Helen. I wish you a great 2014 as well! Thank you for following the little blog that could for so long...

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your posts are always wonderfully interesting. May 2014 be a fabulous year for you!

  13. Congratulations Veronique on your blog anniversary. I truly enjoy your take on life, both USA and French. I look forward to reading many more posts. Happy holidays.

    1. Merci beaucoup Michel ! Come back often in 2014. Who knows? I may get to visit you at La Petite Auberge next year…

  14. Joyeux Anniversaire Véronique! I'm among your loyal followers anticipating each new post. There's always an interesting point of view and surprise.
    Forget please the turbulent 2013. Thank you for your perseverance and wish you huge success in all your beginnings.
    Happy New Year to you and junior! Let's happiness prevail!

    1. A heartfelt thank you to you, Natalie. Your support means a lot. I am all intent on forgetting the turbulent 2013, a *suckish* year if there ever was one… Stay in touch. Bonne année 2014 !

  15. Happy bloganniversary! Isn’t blogging fun – we meet so many interesting people from a variety of places – places we may have never visited? Just like today I saw on my little map that someone from Lukunwod, Mili Atoll, in the Marshall Islands visited my blog – so far away. Your blog is the same way I am sure. I wish you a very happy new year and much success in your blog for 2014.

    1. Chère Vagabonde, merci. I am not sure if anyone from the Marshall islands has ever visited my blog. Come to think of it, I am not sure where the Marshall islands are anymore, but I will have to look them up, now! :-) Thank you for your continued support, and i wish you equal success with your wonderful blog, too. Bonne année 2014 ! A bientôt...


Bonjour! I love hearing from you, my readers. To quote a fellow blogger, my friend Owen, "Comments are the icing on blogcake... Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets... Comments are raspberry vinegar in salad dressing... Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion... Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore... Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar... Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm..." Merci for your comments! French Girl in Seattle